Associate Dean of faculty affairs


 The office of Associate dean of faculty affairs takes care of faculty recruitment, promotions, evaluation and development programs. We have an excellent team of faculty who maintain high standards in teaching as well as research. Every department is sufficiently staffed with well qualified faculty with high academic profile. Apart from regular full time faculty we also have adjunct faculties from other Universities across the world, they visit us once or twice every year and deliver lecture or conduct workshops.

Faculty evaluation

To assess the overall performance of our faculties we do 360° faculty evaluation, where the faculty will be evaluated by the superior, the head of the department, who writes about the strength and weakness of the faculty, then by the peers where the dental faculty evaluates the classes taken by the Basic science faculty and vice versa and finally by the students. In addition we have API score [Academic performance indicator]. API score is the index of the research activities of the faculty like their participation, paper/ poster presentation in national / International conferences and seminars, number of research projects guided and publications in indexed journals etc. 

    Based on 360° faculty evaluation, API score and other parameters like RMS , Event organizer, Event management, punctuality, workaholic, students performance in the university exam, Conference motivation, Student ranking and research grants, we finally calculate the CAFÉ score [ Continuous annual faculty evaluation score].  Faculty members are greatly appreciated for their academic and research activities for which they are awarded and rewarded.

                                      Top Ten faculty with high CAFÉ Score (2015-2016)

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The most important event that happens every thursday when the clock turns 12.00 Noon is our EDIFY “ the process of instructing or improving (someone) morally or intellectually”. Our plan is to communicate quickly, simply and make the concept clear to someone new. Every department comes in turn each week. The session starts with Social video, awards for punctuality and workaholic of the presenting department followed by the department’s EDIFY presentation, where they share their achievements, innovations in teaching methods and also future prospects. This forum creates a platform wherein each department gets to know the happenings of other departments which kindles a healthy completion among fraternity.

Faculty Welfare /development programs

Our faculty has passion towards both academics and research. We create an environment for the faculty to achieve their professional goals and succeed in their career. They are given sponsorship and travel grant to fly abroad for training programs and to attend conferences.

To enhance the cognitive skills and knowledge of the faculty, we organize faculty development programs every year in the form of lectures, workshop or hands on training. We also have orientation program, Academic and technical for new faculty to train them to suit the existing system in order to support them to bring out the best