His-story is our History

Our Chancellor Dr. N.M. Veeraiyan: The Architect of the Saveetha Educational Empire

Dr. N.M.Veeraiyan, Chancellor SIMATS, began his journey in education with an ambition to start a model dental college. He started Saveetha Dental College & Hospital in Chennai in 1988 and subsequently College of Nursing in 1992, College of Physiotherapy in 1993 and College of Occupational Therapy in 1998 .The service to the cause of education was extended to other fields by establishment of Saveetha Engineering College in 2001. He created the SIMATS Deemed University in 2005 and the rest is history.


From 1988 to date we have travelled a miraculous journey that has transpired the institution from a novice to an expert. Although we stand tall and strong today, we should not forget our historic path; as these valuable experiences have carved our culture over the past 3 decades. 

First batch students

First batch students

1988-1996 -Humble Beginning

Saveetha dental college begun its journey in dental education with a strength of 40 students. Its here a small tight community of dental professional who have become principals and deans in various institutions began their first steps in their career. The students faculty and staff of those days were so friendly and attached that even today with all our advent into small group learning, we are yet to replicate such a strong sense of community. The alumni who from the very first years are the most active members of the Saveetha old students association (SOSA)

Chancellor N.M.Veeraiyan Facilitating our firstDean Prof. Dr. C.K. Dhanasekaran

Chancellor N.M.Veeraiyan Facilitating our first

Dean Prof. Dr. C.K. Dhanasekaran

1996-2004 - Era of Post Graduation

Under the able leadership of Dr. C. K. Dhanasekaran, Saveetha Dental College became the first institute in Tamil nadu to have postgraduate courses in all 9 branches. Soon the post graduate courses became one of the best centres in the country. Students from all over India choose Saveetha as their primary choice to train for post-graduate training. It was during this era that the Tamil Nadu High level committee graded Saveetha Dental College as the best Dental Institute in Tamil Nadu with 65 points. The Andra Pradesh Government under the leadership of Honourable Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu, selected Saveetha Dental College as the model Dental institution to set standards for new and upcoming dental colleges in their state of Andra Pradesh. 


2005 - 2010 Deemed University 

On March 18, 2005 Saveetha Dental College along with Saveetha College of Physiotherapy and Saveetha School of Nursing were declared deemed to be University under section c of UGC act 1952. This day is still celebrated as our Convocation Day for the past decade. This propelled the institution to innovate in our curriculum by introducing 9 additional subjects. This created a stir in the All India dental education circle and motivated the Dental Council of India (DCI) to revamp the ageing 1948 curriculum. Our innovations such as forensic odontology , implants and aesthetic dentistry were adopted by the DCI in their new regulation. 


2010 - 2015 Globalization

Not satisfied with our accolades over the past two decades, Saveetha began a comprehensive reinvention procedure that included complete infrastructure renovation with modern imported dental equipments. Furthermore, we have created the first comprehensive UG training program in India.  The institution also celebrated its first Guinness World Record in 2013 where 500+ doctors went to 77 destinations and screened over 1 lakh school children in a single day. Furthermore, Saveetha purchased  the first CAD CAM integrated 3d Printed system for computerised dental treatments. It's one of the first centres of excellence in Asia. To raise the institution to international standards we opened the four seasons super deluxe hostel that had redefined hostel design in many other institutions. 


2016-2019 Renaissance

Shouldering NAAC A grade we entered 2016with more responsibility. Mentioning the transition for these five years will exhaust the space. The President of Dental council of India visited our campus and called it “A MODEL DENTAL INSTITUTION”. We had visitors from across the globe and all were impressed the way the institution runs. Why wouldn’t they  if they come across Tessellation centre, 3D Designing and Printing Studio, Occlusal Calibration Centre, Material Research Laboratory (White Lab), Surgical Microscope, Endodontic Microscope, CBCT, Special Care Dental Clinic, Animal house and a library that functions 24 hours. Not any other Dental College would provide so much facilities to horn their students.

Quality Measures at Saveetha Dental College

Quality is something which we never compromise.

Right from the cleanliness of the floor to the sterilisation of equipments everything has a protocol and verification. We do have a team of staffs who exclusively work on this aspect and are monitored stringently.


Our Vision

To be, and to be recognized for setting the standards of excellence in Professional education and high-quality scientific research.

Our Mission

To promote academic excellence, widen intellectual horizons, inculcate self-discipline, and set high ideals for the total personality development of the individual. To convert a Novice into a competent professional with excellent theoretical knowledge and unsurpassed practical/clinical skills and to motivate interest in research activities, further education, and social services.

Our Quality Policy

To promote quality education, to convert a novice into a competent expert in the relevant field at par with global standards by meeting the far-reaching expectations and requirements of the students through dedicated and devoted staff with updated systems and continual improvement.


QS - World Ranking

QS 24th World University Ranking by subject l 2024


Saveetha Dental College retained its 1st position in Dental Subject of india rankings 2024 for the third consecutive year.




QS - World Ranking

QS 13 World University Ranking by subject l 2023


Nirf 2023 - Dental 

1st Rank in the country







NIRF Ranking 2021: Dental. Saveetha Dental College is ranked 3rd among 300+ private and public dental schools by the government of India in 2021. With over 6000+ Scopus® publications; we also stand 2nd in the global scale!



ARIIA Ranking Band 'A': Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences has been ranked among the top 25 self financing universities by the ATAL RANKING OF INSTITUTIONS ON INNOVATION ACHIEVEMENTS



SIMATS is proud to be ranked among the top 10 Indian universities in the Greenmetric world university ranking. Notably we are the number 1 university from India to publish 300 research papers related to sustainability.


I - Gauge

SIMATS is one of the few Indian Universities to receive the Diamond Rank by the QS-IGAUGE ranking system. We scored maximum marks in Online education, Teaching learning and Research.



SIMATS runs 3 NABL accredited labs capable of Biochemical, Bacterial and Virology testing facilities. We are the principal testing centers for COVID-19.



NABH Accredited Hospitals: With over 2000 In-patients and 3000 Out-patients we are committed to maintain the highest healthcare standards stipulated by NABH.



Saveetha Dental College received A Grade from the NAAC. The process lead to tremendous improvements in our systems that have streamlined all learning and research process within the institution. When compared by the date from these reports, its clear that Saveetha stands tall among all institution with more research, academics and students services and quality learning processes.  


IQAC 2016

The College has an IQAC with a proper multidisciplinary council. IQAC meets every three months to make sure all quality processes are sustainable and well maintained over time. Periodic monitoring of academics, administrations, research, students affairs, international affairs, clinics, patient care ensure a better quality int he learning process of the i


ISO 2016 

We have been ISO 9001 certified for over 15 years. This has improved our quality process for more than a decade. Recently we got re-certified for ISO 2016 BVQI. Our faculty have been trained in advanced quality processes that has ensured expertise from within. they have become certified inspectors for many other companies and institutions. 

Our Achievements 

"Our greatest victories are won not over circumstances or other people but over ourselves"                                                            We have strived to this excellence with a lot of effort and are always vigil about we breaking it ourselves again and again. The thrush in us will keep us going.


QS 13th Ranking 2020

The QS World University Ranking is the most widely read university ranking in the world. Saveetha Dental College is the first Institution to enter the QS Ranking by Subject from India. It’s a remarkable achievement.


Subscribe Now To Our Network Channels :- Times Now : http://goo.gl/U9ibPb The NewsHour Debate : http://goo.gl/LfNgFF ET Now : http://goo.gl/5XreUq The India Smiles campaign, an initiative by Saveetha University in association with The Times of India has entered the Guinness world records with its first-ever-one-of-its-kind extensive dental screening camps for school children across the country.

Guinness Book of World Records 

Its a dream come true. The Guiness Book of World Record is a golden feather in our crown. It proved the oneness among the students and faculty towards a cause. Screening 1,00,000 people in 77 schools within a day is a task well planned, executed and achieved by Saveetha.


NIRF 2020

The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) was approved by the MHRD and launched by the Honorable Minister of Human Resource Development on 29th September 2015.

This framework outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country. The methodology draws from the overall recommendations and broad understanding arrived at by a Core Committee set up by MHRD, to identify the broad parameters for ranking various universities and institutions. The parameters broadly cover “Teaching, Learning and Resources,” “Research and Professional Practices,” “Graduation Outcomes,” “Outreach and Inclusivity,” and “Perception”.

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Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) 2020

The ARIIA is a national ranking system initiated by the Ministry of Education in 2018 to rank higher education institutions (HEIs) on different indicators of innovation. As per the Ministry, ‘The idea behind ARIIA ranking is to inspire Indian institutions to reorient their mindset and build ecosystems to encourage high-quality research, innovation and entrepreneurship.’

The innovation in HEIs is one of the ways to help India emerge as a global innovation hub. Hence, ARIIA ranking brings forth the institutions that align themselves with the responsibilities to build a sustainable innovation ecosystem.


No 3: Private Dental College - Week 

The Week-Hansa Research Survey 2015 recently conducted the survey of Top Dental Colleges across India. The survey conducted by The Week, is based on perceptual data collection, factual information and ranking methodology, has eventually come out with a list of Top 15 Dental Colleges.  Saveetha has secured 3 best private institution in India and the best among all institutions in Tamil Nadu. It should be noted that we did not send any data to this survey and yet we have been ranked highly based on academic reputation.



No: 2 Dental College Pioneer 

India's Oldest English News Paper Pioneer ranked Saveetha Dental Colleges as the 2nd best institute in the country. The ranking was also awarded as the best Dental school in Tamil Nadu. It’s our innovative teaching, hard work, and ever-increasing aspiration to improve our students’ welfare that we have been able to achieve such high ranks from reputable agencies. 


QS I Gauge - 2021 to 2024

QS I-GAUGE is a brand incorporated in India as an independent private-sector initiative specialized in rating colleges, universities, and schools. It brings together the global expertise, experience, and reputation of UK-based (QS) Quacquarelli Symonds, along with deep local knowledge of luminaries from Indian education.

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QS E Lead

The E-LEAD certification assesses the preparedness of institutions on various indicators such as student-faculty engagement, virtual sessions, and the presence of a robust Learning Management System; and all of these elements are supported and managed by a team of IT experts or solution providers that are guided by a comprehensive IT policy and best practices to ensure adequate infrastructure is provided for seamless online education delivery.

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Times Higher Education

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings, often referred to as THE Rankings, is the annual publication of university rankings by the Times Higher Education magazine.

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Green Metrics 2020

Green metrics are quantitative measures used to assess the environmental impact and sustainability performance of a business or organization. These metrics help in evaluating resource efficiency, waste management, carbon emissions, and overall adherence to sustainability standards. By utilizing green metrics, businesses can monitor their progress toward sustainability goals and make informed decisions that contribute to environmental stewardship.



Our organisational structure is decentralised with a Dean and 8 Associate Deans listed in alphabetical order below. Together they form the core team that maintain the efficacy of the system. The clear distinction between the function of these offices is one of the major reason for our success. 


Prof. Dr. S. Aravind Kumar


Prof. Dr. S. Aravind Kumar., MDS, M.Orth (RCS)Ed, M. Orth (RCPS)Glas, Ph.D.

Dr Aravind Kumar graduated with his Bachelor’s and Master’s from Saveetha Dental College in 2000 and 2004 respectively. After graduation, he chose to serve at his alma mater and joined as a senior lecturer in 2005. Having obtained his M. Ortho degree from the Royal College of Surgeons - Edinburgh & Glasgow, he was instrumental in making Saveetha Dental College a center for the M. Ortho exams in Glasgow.

Dr Aravind has more than fifteen years of experience in the field of teaching and is a favorite amongst the students. He has been awarded the Best Dental Educator award from the UK. He is also an active researcher guiding postgraduate and post-doctoral thesis. He has more than 100 publications in various indexed journals to his credit.

He is a well-renowned speaker in national and international forums and has delivered numerous guest lectures. He was appointed as the HOD in 2016 and under his leadership, the dept of Orthodontics has scaled new heights and stands tall as the best in the country. He took over as the Vice Principal in 2019 and contributed immensely for the development of the college. He took over as the Principal, Saveetha Dental College in March 2022.


Prof. Dr. Thiyaneswaran. N


Prof. Dr. Thiyaneswaran. N., MDS, FICOI, Ph.D

After obtaining a post-graduate degree in Prosthodontics from Saveetha University, Dr. Thiyaneswaran N has been actively involved in teaching since then. He has received the Fellowship and Diplomate from ICOI. He has been associated with Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals since 2000 and has observed very closely how this institution has grown immensely, reached the zenith of success, and achieved the heights of glory.  His constant hard work and commitment have led to a gigantic milestone for the institution which recently recorded 13500 implants placed at the department.

He has served the institution for over 12 years and holds the two most prestigious positions as Vice Principal and the Associate Dean of Faculty of this institution and heads the department of Implantology. He is excellent with his work and is ever enthusiastic about providing superior education to aspiring students and enabling them to meet patient’s needs. He also strives to create a Centre of excellence in dental implantology by imparting quality education to both undergraduates and postgraduates. He has also offered a friendly and exciting academic environment, committed to scholarly excellence and student success for the past 12 years.

He is a passionate teacher and has over 40 publications in various PubMed and Scopus-indexed journals to his credit and is also a PhD guide. He has 5 PhD scholars under his tutelage. He has also delivered numerous guest lectures for many universities. He is a dedicated faculty and has won the Saveetha Ratna (Best Faculty of the University) award in 2016 and most workaholic faculty award at Saveetha Dental College on numerous occasions.


Prof. Dr. N.D. Jayakumar


Prof. Dr. N.D. Jayakumar, M.D.S

Leading the institution over the past 10 years. Under his leadership, the institution has achieved a harmonious group of faculties who have built an impeccable system over a strong foundation of work ethics. 


Prof. Dr. Abilasha


Prof. Dr. Abilasha BDS, MDS

Monitors the Mila® teaching methods, years planners, and many academic intricacies that ensures the smooth functioning of the system. 


Prof. Dr. Meignana Arumugam


Prof. Dr. Meignana Arumugam., M.D.S., M.A.(YHE)., Ph.D.

Evaluates the requirement and analyses about the existing space and budget. Plans the development of new infrastructure and guide in procuring equipment and required material. Prof. Dr. Meignana Arumugham did his BDS, MDS and PhD in Public Health Dentistry from Saveetha Dental College. He has over 20 years of teaching experience and numerous publications in reputed journals. He was also the President of Public Health Dentistry - Tamilnadu Chapter. He is also a PhD guide and external examiner for BDS and MDS.


Prof. Dr. Sankari. M


Prof. Dr. Sankari. M. MDS, Ph.D

Coordinates Quality Improvement process by monitoring current patient care against agreed standards of best practice


Prof. Dr. Deepa G


Prof. Dr. Deepa. G. MDS, Ph.D

Ensures quality and consistency of all research projects carried out in the institution by both undergraduates and post graduates.


Prof. Dr. Thiyaneswaran. N


Prof. Dr. Thiyaneswaran. N., MDS, FICOI, Ph.D

Maintains Continuous Annual Faculty Evaluation (CAFE) scores. This comprehensive evaluation is an extensive credit system that gives incentives to faculties across all division and ranges of work done. 


Mrs. Geetha. R. V


Mrs. Geetha. R. V., MSc., Ph.D

Passionately maintains student records and offers student support services. 


Prof. Dr. R Ramya


Prof. Dr. R Ramya, M.D.S, PhD

Handles academic and research collaboration with industry and academia at the National and international level. Monitors student club activities.


Prof. Dr. Mahesh Ramakrishnan


Prof. Dr. Mahesh Ramakrishnan, MDS, Ph.D

Evaluates products for purchase based on research evidence and also maintains various equipment and budget for future years.

He did his MDS and PhD in Pediatric dentistry from Saveetha Dental College. He has 14 years of experience. He has over 100 publications. He is also a PhD guide, BDS and MDS examiner. He is a renowned speaker and conducts invited hands on programs across the country.


Prof. Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam


Prof. Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam., M.D.S., M.B.A, Ph.D

Evaluates and gives unbiased reports of various entities within the institution to ensure that the established set of standards are adhered. Prof. Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam did his BDS, MDS, and Ph.D. in Oral Pathology from Saveetha Dental College. He has also completed his MBA in Hospital Administration from JNU.

He is also a part of the Academic Council, Administrative Board, and Journal Committee of SIMATS. His academic career spans over two decades covering prestigious universities across the world. He is a renowned academician and avid research scholar with over 110 publications in various reputed journals. He is also the academic editor of Hindawi / Wiley journals and Cureus Journal of Medical Sciences. He is a renowned speaker and has given many guest lectures across the country at many reputed institutions. He is also a Ph.D. guide and Examiner for BDS and MDS examinations.


Prof. Dr. Jayanth Kumar


Prof. Dr. Jayanth Kumar., MDS, Ph.D

He handles the faculty affairs including teaching and non-teaching staff of our college.


Prof. Dr. Navaneethan


Prof. Dr. Navaneethan. R., MDS, Ph.D

Manages the clinical work flow for both undergraduates and postgraduates. Evaluation of the final quota and work completion of all students are monitored and updated weekly.


Dr. Ganesh Jeevanandan


Dr. Ganesh Jeevanandan.,MDS, Ph.D

Coordinates with the students and faculty of the college to guide and patent ideas or products and provides assistance to bring them into the market and start their own registered company.

Coordinates in conducting innovative lectures and programs.


Prof. Dr. Pradeep.S


Prof. Dr. Pradeep. S., MDS,(Ph.D)

Coordinates with students and faculty members ti participate in conferences and CDE programs. The main emphasis is to participate in scientific presentations and posters at various conferences at state, national, and international levels.


Dr. S. Delphine Priscilla Antony


Dr. S. Delphine Priscilla Antony., MDS, Ph.D

Coordinates the college webpages , social media platform to promote the college activities. Manages the newsletter of the college which is a compilation of all the monthly activities of all the departments in the college.


NIRF 2016 - 2024


ISO 2016

NAAC A++ 2022
