Internal Quality Assurance Cell report by Associate Deans at EDIFY Meet — dentistry @ saveetha
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Internal Quality Assurance Cell report by Associate Deans at EDIFY Meet

Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC) held in Mini auditorium ,Saveetha Dental College & Hospitals on 20th October 2016 at 12 pm

The following members were present

1.Dean ,Saveetha Dental college & Hospitals

2.Assoc.Dean of academics,SDCH

3.Asso.Dean,Faculty ,SDCH

4.Asso.Dean Admin ,SDCH

5.Asso.Dean Student affairs ,SDCH

6.Asso.Dean External affairs, SDCH

7.Asso.Dean ,Research

8.Dr.Subha- Innovation & Best practices

9.All the clinical & Basic medical sciences faculty.

1.Introduction to members     

IQAC coordinator Ms.Lakshmi.T ,Reader ,Saveetha Dental College & Hospitalsgave the introduction about the committee members.

2.Role of IQAC

IQAC coordinator gave a brief presentation on the guidelines ofIQAC, Goals ,Strategies ,Challenges & Opportunities and role in the academic institution. She also mentioned about the internal quality assurance cell functioning ,other aspects .she resolved the criteria for the assessment and requested all the associate dean to carry on with the rest of the proceedings.

3.Report on curricular aspects ,Teaching Learning evaluation

Dr.Sheeja Varghese ,Asso Dean Academicsdiscussed about the Innovations in the teaching curriculum ,Enrinchment cources,Certificate programmes ,Interdisciplinary PG courses ,feedback analysis by students ,Internal assessment –Research Rubrics and presented a brief report on thestudents result analysis of various departments.

4.Report on Faculty evaluation

 Ms.R.V Geetha ,Asso Dean ,Faculty presented the list of facultyRecruitment ,List of International visiting/adjunct professor .mentioned about the various faculty development programme conducted as an quality initiatives. she also briefed about the 360 0  faculty evaluation, CAFÉ score and the method of calculation based on the over all performance of the faculty.

5. Report on Research ,Consultancy


Dr.Pratiba Ramani   ,Asso Dean Research presented a detailed report on the No. of publications in various National and International Journal. University grants , No.Of UG and PG projects ,STAR summit ,Books published ,Research awards won by the faculty in various National and International Forum. No. of patents ,No.of faculty as PhD Guides etc.,

b)Research consultancy & MOU

Dr.V.Vishnupriya ,Asso Dean External affairs mentioned about the various National and International MOU and plans for the future International MOU as well as the research consultancy .

6. Report on Infrastructure & Learning resources

Dr.Thiyaneswan ,Asso Dean admin presented a report on the various infrastructure available in the institution and details of increase in Infrastructure facilities in the Institution ,Library services ,Technology Upgradation.

7.Report on Students support and Progression

Dr.Meignana Arumugam ,Asso Dean of students affair mentioned about the PTA meeting ,feedback ,Schoology ,CREST. Students participation in various National and International Conferences, Scholarships ,alumini.

8.Report on the Innovation & Best practices

Dr.Subha described about the innovations in teaching –Edify –An novel innovation for the faculty best practices to showcase the academic achievements as an Quality parameter.

The meeting was concluded by the Chair person,IQAC – 

Dr.N.D Jayakumar , Dean -SDCH