Guest lecture on 11.08.2016

  The department of Periodontics organised for an guest lecture. Dr. Pugazendhi Murugan Erusappan from the University of Bergen,  Norway was invited as guest to lecture on the topic “ Cell - Extra Cellular Matrix interactions and integrin signalling” held on 11th August 2016 at the Decennial Hall, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha University, Chennai.


MOU and Guest lecture by an International delegate

International delegate Dr. Richard, Director, Dept of Nanotechnology, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom visited our college on 10.08.2016.  Thrust area of discussion was “ Nano materials and salivary markers’, Postgraduates and faculty were invited.

An MOU was also signed between the University of Plymouth and Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha University


The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Saveetha Dental College conducted  Histopathology Slide Series, Part 2 Salivary Gland Pathology on 17 th of August 2016. Slide viewing and diagnosis is an integral part of the field of Oral Pathology as Histopathology is the gold standard for Diagnosis.

Interpreting slides is an art that has to be mastered over years. As a sign of extending our student centric learning process the department of Oral Pathology had organised an interactive slide discussion program, where one to one histopathological interpretation of slides were taught to the students. The resource persons were Dr. Chatura.K.R. MD (General Pathology) Professor of Pathology ,JJM Medical College, Davangere and Dr.Vandana Raghunath MDS ,Professor and Head, Department of Oral Pathology,Narayana Dental College,Nellore. Dr. Chatura.K.R is an eminent  Pathologist  with nearly 20  years of experience in teaching and being associated with eminent pathologists across the world.She is one among the few people who can simplify and deliver much debated issues in the field with immense Clarity. Dr. Vandana Raghunath, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Pathology, Narayana Dental College is an excellent interpreter of slides who can translate it to the students effectively. Dr.Pratibha Ramani, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Pathology, Saveetha Dental College is an eminent Pathologist who is well trained under the  mentorship of Dr. T.R. Saraswathi with an immense passion to teach.

The afternoon session involved facilitator mediated small group interactive slide viewing. The participants were divided into ten groups and provided individual microscopes and slides so as to understand the slides further and clarify their doubts with the concerned facilitators. The event was well received as the enigmatic lesions of salivary gland pathology was simplified to the students. The overwhelming response received by the program has opened doors to another series of  soft tissue pathology in November.

Management of Krishna Deva Raya visit Saveetha Dental College

The management of Krishna Devaraja Dental College form Andhra Pradesh visited our college on August 7, 2016.


STAR SUMMIT: Undergraduate 2016

The Second Saveetha Transdisciplinary Annual Research Summit (STAR Summit) for undergraduates was from 4 th to 8 th July 2016. The Second UG -STAR Summit was inaugurated on 4 th July by Dr.Michael Aruldhas, Director(Fmr) & Prof. and Head, Dept. of Endocrinology, Dr.AL Mudaliyar Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Tharamani.The inaugural function was presided by the chancellor of Saveetha University, Dr.N.M .Veeraiyan and the Guest of honour was Dr.Niranjali Devaraj, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Madras. The STAR Summit was spread over 4 days with illustrious personalities gracing everyday of the research fiesta namely Mr.Gagandeep Singh Bedi, IAS, Dr.Aravindan Selvaraj, Executive Director, Kauvery Hospitals and Dr.Radha Venkatesan, Head- Molecular Genetic, Madras Diabetic Research Foundation. The total numbers of posters presented were 877 from various basic medical sciences and clinical disciplines of Dentistry. The valedictory function was on 8 th July and presided by D.V.Vijayalakshmi, Director of Drug Control, Govt. of India and 107 prizes were awarded to the outstanding research topics.


The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Saveetha Dental College conducted  Histopathology Slide Series, Part 1 Odontogenic Pathology on 22nd February 2016. Slide viewing and diagnosis is an integral part of the field of Oral Pathology as Histopathology is the gold standard for Diagnosis.

Interpreting slides is an art that has to be mastered over years. As a sign of extending our student centric learning process the department had organised an interactive slide discussion program, where one to one histopathological interpretation of slides were taught to the students. The resource persons were Dr. B. sivapathasundaram, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Pathology, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College. Dr. Sivapathasundaram is an eminent Oral Pathologist and is the author of the Famous Shafer's Textbook of Oral Pathology. With years of experience in teaching and being associated with eminent oral pathologists across the world , he is one among the few people who can simplify and deliver much debated issues in the field with immense Clarity. Dr. Shashidara R, Professor and Head , Department of Oral Pathology, Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Coorg. Dr. Shashidara being a student of the Stalwart Dr. R. Vishwanathan and in association with Dr T.V.Narayan and Dr. Anita Borges is an excellent interpreter of slides who can translate it to the students effectively. Dr.Pratibha Ramani, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Pathology, Saveetha Dental College. Dr. Pratibha Ramani well trained under the mentorship of Dr. T.R. Saraswathi with an immense passion to teach.

The afternoon session involved facilitator mediated Small group interactive slide viewing. The participants were divided into ten groups and provided individual microscopes and slides so as to understand the slides further and clarify their doubts with the concerned facilitators. The event was well received as the enigmatic lesions of odontogenic pathology was simplified to the students. The overwhelming response received by the program has opened doors to another series of salivary gland pathology in July and soft tissue pathology in November.

Molaris 2016

Molaris 2016 held on 5th February 2016 is the first edition of its kind conducted by IDA thiruvallur along with saveetha dental college. Students from all over the state had registered and participated in various scientific presentations. It was a research gala event with various keynote speakers across all specialities. There were more than 250 presentations in all the various subjects. Over all award for the highest participation and presentation was given to Tagore Dental College.

Hands on training in CBCT Imaging

A CBCT workshop was conducted on 21.1.2016 on Implant & Impaction assessment using CBCT. The programme was organised by Oral Medicine and Radiology of Saveetha Dental College. The programme featured a hands on experience on manipulating and understanding CBCT images and software. Guest lectures were delivered by Dr.Jayanth Kumar, Dr.K.B.Laliytha of Saveetha Dental College and Dr.Malarkodi of Sri Ramachandra Dental College on CBCT.

A CBCT workshop was conducted on 21.1.2016 on Implant & Impaction assessment using CBCT. The programme was organised by Oral Medicine and Radiology of Saveetha Dental College. The programme featured a hands on experience on manipulating and understanding CBCT images and software. Guest lectures were delivered by Dr.Jayanth Kumar, Dr.K.B.Laliytha of Saveetha Dental College and Dr.Malarkodi of Sri Ramachandra Dental College on CBCT.


Orofacial Pain an Update

A CDE program on OROFACIAL pain was conducted on Jan 20th & 21st 2016 along with live surgical demonstration of microvascular decompression for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. The program had eminent speakers from different specialties such as neurosurgery ,anesthesia,oral and maxillofacial surgery , prosthodontics , orthodontics and oral medicine and radiology. The program was well received with an attendance of more than 150 delegates from all over Tamil Nadu.The live demonstration of microvascular decompression being the limelight was highlight of the program.This program was approved by the Tamil Nadu Dental Council with 12 credit points.


Saveetha Dental College Conducted 2 days PGSTAR Summit(Postgraduate Saveetha Transdisciplinary Annual Research Summit) and 10th International BDS Students Seminar on 09. 01. 16 and 10. 01. 16at M. M. Convention. It was indeed quite a special occasion at Saveetha Dental college and hospitals for it marked theinauguration of the postgraduate Saveetha Transdisciplinary Annual Research Summit and the 10th Basic Medical Sciences Conference on 09.01.16

In today's ever changing world,in order to keep pace with the changing scenarios, science has to be constantly updated. This evolution is possible only through the quest to search, the ability to think laterally. SaveethaDental College has a well structured research integrated curriculum. Each postgraduate student does 5 short term research projects which they present in these two days.

The chief guest of the Inaugural celebration was Prof. Dr.H.Devaraj, vice - chairman, UGC.The chancellor Dr.N.M. Veeraiyan, Advisor Dr. Rajagopal, Dean Dr. N.D.Jayakumar, Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy Director of Academics Saveetha Dental College were the dignitaries who added more sparkle to the celebration. Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy delivered the welcome address andthe annual research report emphasising the innovations, changes and the achievements of the students. Dr.N.M. Veeraiyan appreciated the students and faculty for their hard work and perseverance. 

Dr. H. Devaraj who is an eminent researcher motivated the students with his inspiring speech. He emphasised the need to be creative and not just innovative. He also spoke about the prevalent academic osmosis and the changes in current scenario wherein India is also growing to be a research hub.Dr. Devaraj also emphasised the importance of the basic scienceand the need to be continuously updated. Saveetha University Advisor Dr.Rajagopal,Dr.N. D. Jayakumar Dean, Saveetha Dental College also rendered their felicitations. The associate dean of Research Dr. PratibhaRamani delivered the Vote of thanks.

The day continued buzzing with scientific activities. There was an array of more than 624 posters each representing the good quality work of every post graduate. They were critically apprisedby judges and peer judges from other institutions providing a fertile scientific forum for further development.

valedictory function:

The valedictory function of the postgraduate STAR Summit was held in the Decennial Hall of Saveetha Dental College on 10. 01. 16.  Any great feet attains its full dimension only on recognition by an apt person. Apt to this statement, the Chief Guest of the day was Prof. Dr. H.Chellapandi, Chairman and Managing Director of Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam (BHAVINI), a Public Sector undertaking under Government of India, responsible for construction and commissioning of fast breed reactors in the country.

The Director of Academics, Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy delivered the welcome address. The Chief Guest Dr. Chellapandi has an outstanding academic records. He is an excellent Researcher and has guided so far 18 PhD students, 130 M.Tech and 300 B.E. students. He has a very impressive record of publications (~840) to his credit. He delivered the most inspiring speech to the students emphasising that Research has no boundaries and emphasised the significance of transdisciplinary research. 

The Dean, Dr. N.D.Jayakumar announced the prize winners. The students were awarded under various categories namely Material Science Project, Diagnostic Assay, Interdisciplinary Project, KAP Survey, Cochrane/ Systematic review, Animal research project, Equipment Analysis, Patent, Clinical Practice Guidelines,  Main Dissertation Reviews, Cellular/ Molecular Biology project, Innovative Techniques, Case report,  Decision Analysis Review, Main Dissertation Final Publication.69 Best Research Awards were distributed to the Postgraduates.Associate Dean of research, Dr.Pratibha Ramani delivered the Vote of Thanks. 

The university targets Research as its main focus area. Every manoeuvre of the university under the Director of AcademicsDr.Deepak Nallaswamy has gathered Research into the minds of every student and faculty.