Science is an ever evolving field and the need to be in pace with the ever changing scenario requires a continuous and persistent re-searching of existing concepts.
In an attempt to bridge the gap and to develop the research expertise in our students, Research was integrated as a part of the undergraduate Curriculum since 2013. Every undergraduate student does a minimum of three research projects among which 2 are Original Research and one is a Review. The students are trained in Research Methodology and Biostatistics from their first year.
They are also exclusively allowed Research week in their time table at the end of each module. The Students choose their Guide of choice and submits their research proposals to the Scientific Review Board. The approved projects are continuously monitored until completion. On Completion, the Students present their Research projects in the undergraduate Saveetha Transdisciplinary Annual Research Summit ( STAR Summit) conducted annually for a period of 1 week. The students are also encourages to present their research in National as well as International Forums. The completed projects are published in Indexed Journals.
Research Credits
Research projects are evaluated as a part of the Formative Assessment for the Students. In each Subject, Research projects carry a credit of 50 Marks.
Inorder to bring about a transparency in the research evaluation system. The Research credits are given each student based on the Self Assessment form submitted by the student evaluating their research based on the Rubrics provided. This has ensured an unbiased uniform evaluation system,
The students also have the flexibility of transferring extra credits form one subject to another.
Research Flexibility
The students can choose a guide of their choice among the faculty from any of the college in our university
The students also have the liberty of choosing a topic of their choice.
The students are encouraged to pursue research across all disciplines promoting quality interdisciplinary research.
Important Dates
Deadline for Completion : 31st December, 2019
Manuscript writing & SUBMISSION deadline: 31st January,2020