Final Count Down

The Final Countdown,  a Convention on Modern Trends in   Orthodontics, was heldfromthe 29thof June till the 1stof July, 2017. 

There were more than 25national speakers who had come from all over India to participate in this convention.  208 delegates and 30 invited orthodontists, attended this conference.  The delegates were from 40 different colleges from all over the country. Colleges from Punjab, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh,  Kerala,  Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh,  Madhya Pradesh etc.  The president of Indian Orthodontic Society, Dr. G.Chandrasekhar was the Chief guest and the HonorarySecretary of the Indian Orthodontic Society wasalso on stage.

Paper and Poster Presentations were open for life members and Student members of IOS. To improve the relevanceof scientific presentations, seven categories were made for presentation and this was greatly appreciated by all the delegates.

A new innovation in The Final Countdownwas theLUNCH WITH A GURU program where on the 30th of June, the delegates got to have lunch with theProfessors of their choice.  This was greatly appreciated by all the delegates andthe life members.