Edify- Depratment of Pedodontics

Pedo EDIFY version four, started with a social video on how colors are perceived. This was followed by award distribution to Dr.EMG.Subramanian and Dr.Dhanalakshmi for punctuality and workaholic respectively. Two education videos, one on the Non pharmacologic and Pharmacologic behavior management techniques were played. The Non-pharmocological behavior management techniques were illustrated as a mannequin challenge. The operation theater (OT) protocols were shown in detail, which would help the undergraduates to understand and mimic the same when they enter OT to assist for full mouth rehabilitation. The second video was on drug dosage calculation for children with a brief description on the drug metabolism.

Dr.Sujatha presented the various achievements of the department staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students. The staff of Pedodontics department held responsibilities and made the 39th ISPPD national conference a great success. Our staffs have conducted two Credit courses, two hands-on workshops, three CDE programmes for both undergraduate students and postgraduate students all in less than 10 months’ time. We also conducted the third edition of SPARC- Saveetha’s Pedodontic Advanced Revision Course and had speakers and delegates  from various parts of South India. The staffs of Department of Pedodontics have given 17 guest lectures in various forums both in state and national levels. We are proud to announce that the six edition of the department’s journal is published. 

The department once again thanked every other departments for their constant support and encouragement in their own style of presenting a momento.
