Global hand washing day

  October 15 is Global Handwashing Day, a global advocacy day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing with. Every year, Global Handwashing Day is celebrated with events, campaigns, and handwashing programs around the world.Before each Global Handwashing Day, the Global Handwashing Partnership selects a theme that will inspire celebrants and encourage handwashing with soap beyond October 15. This year’s theme is ‘Clean Hands- A recipe for good health’, reminding us that handwashing protects our own health, but also allows us to build our own futures, as well as those of our communities, and the world.

                Thinking of the future, we strive for continued health, well-being, and productivity for ourselves, our families, and our communities. Handwashing is an affordable, effective way to achieve these goals. For example, handwashing with soap could prevent many of the 272 million yearly schooldays lost to diarrheal disease, and 50% of the infections acquired in healthcare settings.

                   Global hand hygiene programme was conducted in Government girls high school,Avadi by Department of Public health dentistry, Saveetha dental college.  An awareness talk about importance of hand washing was given by Dr.Naziya, focussing on the importance of hand hygiene.

Hand washing technique , a step by step procedure was taught to the school children by Dr. K.B. Naziya (post-graduate student).  School childrens were given hand wash liquid and were asked to wash their hands following the proper hand hygiene technique. The programme was appreciated by the school principal for imparting knowledge about hand hygiene to their school childrens.