SNELSCON- A Conference on Medical Emergencies

Saveetha National Emergency Life Support Conference ,2017, was conducted on oct 5th and 6th. The registration number was restricted to 250 delegates to ensure a quality training to all who registered.15 speakers from the medical and dental fraternity gave lectures and shared their knowledge and experience with the delegates. The two day program included intensive lectures and 20 hands on station.The hands-on station covered a range of emergency procedures like CPR, IV line, Central venous access, use of defibrillator, emergency drugs,surgical airway,etc. Each station had 15 participants which enabledindividual hands-on participation rather than just observing the procedures.The stations were handled by qualified medical trainers.After the hands-on, the delegates also participated in a CPR challenge and the winner was awarded. There was also an e-poster competition where the posters were judged and the best poster was awarded. The feedback from all attendees confirm that the event was a grand success and the delegates had a productive experience.
