Transformation Learning- Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics


Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics had its 6th Edify on 14th February 2019. The theme was reforming students skills towards academics and clinical aptitude. Procrastination - to keep delaying something or not doing something that must be done, often because it’s unpleasant or boring. Students know that they should do proper tray set up and to keep the work place clean for any type of treatment, but they were not following for all the patients because of time constrains. So to manage Procrastination and time inconsistency we followed a method called “2 Mins Rule”. 2 Mins Rule - in that we teach the students to organize the work place with all instruments and equipments in 2 Mins. The end result is better time management, ease of work and attending to patients on time and completing the procedure. This method had brought a change in an undergraduate student. 

Transformative learning is about how a change is brought in a student both academically and as a whole person. A post graduate student had difficulty in managing his patients on time. Counseling was given to him and trained him extensively in pre-clinical work. These changes his whole mind set and helped him manage his cases well and time management was exemplary. These motivations also lead the way for him to get the best post graduate Endodontics award in 2018.  The whole thing was done as a video and was showcase for the Edify meet.