“Primary Cell Culture Techniques” - Workshop

Aiming to provide intense knowledge in the topic primary cell culture techniques at Dental Research Cell - Biomedical Research Unit and Lab Animal Centre, Saveetha Dental College, SIMATS, Chennai Organized one day workshop on primary cell culture techniques. We extremely thank Dr. Deepa. G, Associate Dean of Research for her wonderful support throughout the workshop. Our workshop is mainly focused on primary cell culture techniques. The Keynote speech was given by Dr. D. Ezhilarasan. The hands-on training was conducted by Dr. Durairaj Sekar, elaborated on each and every step from the isolation of the tissue till the cells incubated inside the CO2 chamber, also gave a clear note on cell culture techniques from the basics of cell culture up to how the technique is involved in different stages of culture technique. During the practical session students and faculties explored and showed their immense interest to learn how to handle the cells and culture them individually, finally they observed the cells under the inverted microscope. In the group discussion session students were very open to ask questions got clarified with their doubts, they understood the importance of the workshop and gained ideas how it will help them in their future research. Dr. Padmaraj Veterinarian shared his experience and knowledge on cell culture techniques.
