13th Convocation, Saveetha Institute of Medical & Technical Sciences

The 13th Convocation of Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences was held on 3rd June 2019 at the MM CONVENTION CENTRE , Saveetha Dental College,Chennai. The proceeding began with the auspicious Poornakumbam welcome consisting of 31 kalasams which signify the number of years of the initiation of the institution . The academic Procession followed consisting of the Honorable Governor, Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Directors, Deans of the various institutions and Board members.The function was presided by the Chancellor of Saveetha University, Dr.N.M.Veeraiyan and the chief guest was His Excellency Honourable Governor Thiru Banwarilal Purohit. The Convocation was declared open by the Honorable Chancellor.The welcome address was given by the Vice Chancellor Dr.Rakesh Kumar, who briefed about the tremendous achievements and awards procured by the various institutions of the Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences.The function proceeded with the felicitation of the Honorable Governor followed by the Honoris Causa D.Sc degree presentation to three eminent personalities , Dr.Palani G Periasamy, Chairman -PGP Group of Institutions, Shri.R.Gandhi , Senior Advocate-Madras High Court and Dr.Mayilvahanan Natrajan, Former Vice Chance - Tamilnadu Dr.MGR Medical University who have contributed enormously in their individual fields of Education, Law and Medicine.The advisor Dr.R.Rajagopal introduced the Honoris Causa awardees and the awards were presented by the Honorable Governor and Chancellor.The best out going student awards and special endowment  medals for subject toppers were announced by the Registrar  Dr.Thiyagarajan and awarded to the students of Saveetha Medical College, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha College of Nursing and Saveetha College of Physiotherapy by the Governor and Chancellor. PhD was awarded to 23 students.The Honorable Governor addressed the gathering following the award presentation and the speech was well received and applauded.The Convocation continued with the presentation of degrees to 623 students including BDS, MBBS, MDS, MD, MS, MSc(Nursing), MSc(Medical) ,Bsc (Nursing), PBBSc( Nursing), MLT, BSc (DT), BSc (MLT,MIT,TCM)  BPT and MPT by the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor.The function ended with the National anthem by the band,  followed by cultural programme and dinner was served to all the parents, students and faculty in a grand manner with a special stage set in the open air.

Anti Tobacco Day or World No Tobacco Day Celebrations  2019


Department of Oral Medicine& radiology, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha University, Chennai, celebrated “World No-Tobacco Day,” with enthusiastic participation from Faculty and Students, on 31st May, 2019 under the guidance and support of our Honorable Chancellor – Dr. N.M. Veeraiyan, Honorable Director- Dr.DeepakNallasamyand Dean , Saveetha Dental College - Dr. SheejaVerghese

Anti-Tobacco Day or World No Tobacco Day is observed on 31 May worldwide every year. This annual event is organized by World Health Organization (WHO) to make people aware and educated them about the harmful effects of tobacco on health and causes several diseases like tooth decay, cancer, cardiovascular disease, staining of teeth etc.The theme of World No Tobacco Day or Anti-Tobacco Day 2019 is "Tobacco and Lung Health".

In accordance with WHO , Our department had organized a unique patient education program where several video campaigns ( short films ) based on the central theme of  tobacco ill effects and tobacco cessation were screened and this was followed by educating the patients . We educated the  people about the negative impact of tobacco on, it may also cause cancer. Dr.Mogit gupta,  in collaboration with the other staffs of Oral Medicine department and PGs who organized the education program were very happy with the response of the public and were encouraged to do further such activities in the future .

Live Surgical symposium of Oral Cancer Ablative and Reconstructive Surgery titled Surgical Tour of Experts- Season 1

We from Saveetha Oral Cancer Institute conducted a Live Surgical symposium of Oral Cancer Ablative and Reconstructive Surgery titled Surgical Tour of Experts- Season 1 in association with Apollo Cancer Institute and Tamilnadu Head and Neck Surgical Association on April 22, 2019.
The surgical procedure was relayed live from the OT to the Decennial hall participants wherein step by step surgical demonstration with minute attention to detail was done. The participants got to ask the surgeons to explain the surgical steps and concepts.

Three surgeons from Apollo Cancer Institute were invited for performing the surgery and each of the surgeons excellently obliged to the participants demands and cleared all their doubts throughout the length of the procedure.
Overall it was a successful programme with the participants clearly happy for being able to observe a complex Surgery.


Masterclass Series in CBCT Imaging - Exclusively for Undergraduates

The program was organised by the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology. The program was unique in the manner it was exclusively for the undergraduate students. The program was attended by 69 delegates which includes several dental colleges from the state. The program began with an introductory lecture by Dr.Vivek on the principles and introduction of CBCT. This was followed by a lecture on normal radio graphic anatomy by Dr.Jayanth. Next was the keynote lecture by Dr. Shalu Rai. As one of the pioneers in CBCT in India she shared her rich experience on the subject with an impressive presentation of cases. Her extensive lecture covered the applications of CBCT across all the specialities. She had specially emphasised on the medicolegal aspects of CBCT. The post lunch session was conducted by Dr. Jayanth and Dr.Vivek where they helped the participants through a hands on session in using the software. This program was well received by the undergraduates and this was yet another unique feature of this program where the undergraduate students program. The program was attended by a few postgraduate students too.


Edify- Department of Microbiology

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Department of Microbiology presented the edify session for the year 2019 on 16th of May under the theme of “Best activity”. On behalf of the department, Dr.A.S.Smiline Girija presented the edify session and introduced the new program based activity called “CHIKKU” to the peer group. The program aided the students in learning the important facts in every lecture session followed by the material based and non-material based learning activities. CHIKKU was highly commended by the Director of Academics. 

Further, Dr.A.S.Smiline Girija was conferred with two awards viz., Most punctual faculty and Most workaholic faculty by the Vice Chancellor, SIMATS.


The department of Aesthetic dentistry in association with European society of cosmetic dentistry had organised a CDE programme on “ Composite laminates and curing lights “ on 14th May 2019 with 4 credit points. Dr. Yohan Chacko, Professor department of conservative dentistry and endodontics was the guest speaker for the programme. A total of 106 participants had attended the CDE programme. The lecture was followed by a demo and hands on using the U veneer system for the fellowship and post graduate students.

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M.Ortho Examination

The department of orthodontics in collaboration with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow successfully conducted the Part 1 of M. Ortho Examinations on May 13 th 2019 at Saveetha Dental College & Hospital, Chennai. The exam was taken up by 51 orthodontists which included young graduates to experienced clinicians from various national and international institutes. The Orthodontics department had earlier conducted an orientation course for the same in the month of February. All the delegates well appreciated the guidance and the excellent hospitality provided by the faculties of department of orthodontics. Saveetha dental college also takes pride in being the first institute in India to conduct M.Ortho examinations.


Edify- Department of General Pathology


The Edify meet of our Department of General Pathology was held on 09.05.2019. We presented a video on innovative class activities being carried out in our department. Various activities with regards to hematology chapter were conducted for the students who showed active participation. We showed ‘Bingo puzzle’ activity to easily understand the classification of anemia, ‘C the I’ activity for better understanding of the iron absorption pathway and Innovative ‘Blow pen’ activity on types of RBCs in various diseases. Also we showed amazing macroscopic peripheral smear images of various anemias using ‘Glue gun’ activity for which good appreciation was received from the audience. We obtained a cumulative score of 8.4 for our presentation.

Post Graduate - Induction Ceremony 2019

The Induction program for the 2019 batch of MDS students was held on 17th of April 2019 at the decennial hall at Saveetha dental college. The 47 students along with the parents/guardians attended the function, which was graced by our honorable Chancellor, Vice chancellor, Director of Academics, Dean of faculty and Dean of the dental college. Dr. A. Kumaraswamy , Periodontist and Implantologist from Mumbai was the chief guest of the day. The event began with the welcome address by the Dean Dr.Sheeja Varghese followed by inspiring addresses by our honorable Chancellor and Vice chancellor. Our chief guest addressed the students and congratulated them on choosing this institution for their post-graduation. He expressed his contentment and appreciation for the innovative curriculum and infrastructure in our college; something he hadn’t seen anywhere else in the country. The function proceeded with an address from our director of academics Dr.Deepak nallaswamy on how we plan our curriculum and the modifications we have introduced to make it more suitable for our post- graduates. Few of our postgraduates from the 2019 batch volunteered to speak as to why they chose our college for their post-graduation. Most of them expressed great joy on procuring an admission at Saveetha and how they had heard great thing about it during their Undergraduate days. A few of our current batch of MDS students doing 2nd year MDS also spoke about the benefits of being in our college and what their juniors could look forward to in the coming years at Saveetha. The event ended with a vote of thanks by our Dean of Faculty Dr.N.D Jayakumar. 


Every year the department of Public Health Dentistry celebrates “No tobacco week” on the last week of may. It is one of the eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO).

A 3 day program was scheduled for 2019. First day (28.5.2019), the employees of YSI PVT LTD underwent a free oral cancer screening and were given group counselling on the harmful effects of using tobacco. Second day program was scheduled on 30.5.19, a team of doctors from Saveetha Dental College had gone for dental screening and raising awareness for the health consequences of tobacco for the transgender community. Awareness was raised using posters and videos. The crowd was inquisitive and attentive throughout the presentation.

On 31st of May, 2019, the program was celebrated in various public sectors. Five postgraduate students and fifty under graduates participated in a human chain formation at Elliot’s beach, Besant Nagar, in association with Indian Dental Association (Chennai branch) and Adyar Cancer Institute. It consisted of around 500 volunteers joining hands together to spread the awareness on tobacco. We had organised an awareness program during the functioning hours of the college, inside the premises too. The patients visiting the college were given one anti tobacco counselling. Pamphlets were distributed to the patients emphasizing on quitting the habit. Posters demonstrating how tobacco affects our health were explained to the patients.

ELISA Biomarker-Guest lecture and Workshop 

Dr. Ramajayam, Madurai Medical College enlightened the students on usage of ELISA as a biomarker for various diseases. There were around 20 Participants from inside and outside SDC. He also did a hands on demonstration on performing ELISA


The Acteon Continuing Education program entitled “New Paradigms in Hard Tissue Management”, a workshop on Piezosurgery was organised by Acteon in association with Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai on May 2nd 2019 held at the Saveetha School of Management (SSM Hall). Dr. Dhandapani Arunachalam delivered a lecture on the topic “MINIMALLY INVASIVE & ATRAUMATIC BONE  SURGERIES” followed by a Demo and Hands-On using the Piezotome cube equipment. The enthralling workshop was successfully conducted with 90 participants for the lecture and demo. The hands-on was restricted to selective participants and focused on understanding the various clinical applications of piezo technology. 

Workshop on Piezosurgery

The Acteon Continuing Education program entitled “New Paradigms in Hard Tissue Management”, a workshop on Piezosurgery was organised by Acteon in association with Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai on May 2nd 2019 held at the Saveetha School of Management (SSM Hall). Dr. Dhandapani Arunachalam delivered a lecture on the topic “MINIMALLY INVASIVE & ATRAUMATIC BONE SURGERIES” followed by a Demo and Hands-On using the Piezotome cube equipment. The enthralling workshop was successfully conducted with 90 participants for the lecture and demo. The hands-on was restricted to selective participants and focused on understanding the various clinical applications of piezo technology.

World DNA day -BRULAC

World DNA day – April 25 th 2019

Biomedical research unit and laboratory animal centre – Dental research cell celebrated the World DNA day on the 25 th of April 2019. The goal of programme was to commemorate the incredible discovery of the century the “DNA molecule” by Watson and Crick. The postgraduate students from various specialities participated in the Hands-on workshop on the topic “Genomics and Precision Medicine”. They were introduced to the animal experimentation facilities by Dr.M.Karthik Ganesh and Cell culture-Molecular biology facilities by Dr.A.Paramasivam. There was a guest lecture on “Pedigree analysis, Human genetic variations and Pharmacogenetics” delivered by Dr.J.Vijayashree, following which Dr.S.Durairaj briefed about his thrust area on “MicroRNAs”. Dr.D.Ezhilarasan explained about his thrust area on Cancer Biology, Pharmacology and Toxicology. He thanked all the students for their enthusiastic response and support during the programme.

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Real Time - PCR Workshop and Guest Lecture

The guest lecture followed by handoff workshop was a real success with 45 participants from across various colleges from Chennai. Dr.Anandan, from Madras University gave an insight on various aspects of PCR along with insight on its applications in dentistry.


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Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from dental pulp has the inherent capacity to differentiate into different cells types such as  neural cells, osteoblasts, adipocytes, chondrocytes etc.,. In view of the above fact, the workshop on stem cell culture and characterization was initiated at BRULAC-DRC, Saveetha Dental College on the 15th of April 2019. The delegates and students were welcomed by Dr.M.Karthik Ganesh and Dr.J.Vijayashree. The workshop started with a brief introduction about the invited speaker Dr.S.Raghunandhakumar, UGC-Kothari Postdoctoral Fellow by Dr.D.Ezhilarasan. The presentation on “Mesenchymal stem cells from dental pulp and their application” enlightened the students and other delegates about the potential use of MSCs in the field of dentistry. The speaker was felicitated by Dr.A.Paramasivam and Dr.A.Padmaraj. 

The hands-on training started with processing of dental pulp which was demonstrated by Dr.A.Paramasivam and Dr.S.Raghunandhakumar. The students were asked to perform the procedure independently, following which they isolated RNA from the cells. The students and delegates were enthralled to visualize RNA on the agarose gel. The characterization of the stem cells was achieved by specific marker detection employing both reverse transcriptase and conventional PCR. The principle and methodology was explained to students and they were taught to set-up a PCR reaction and programming of the thermal cycler. Stem cell marker specific PCR returned a positive result which was shared to students after gel documentation. The workshop concluded with positive feedbacks from the delegates and students, which proved its success!


Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from dental pulp has the inherent capacity to differentiate into different cells types such as neural cells, osteoblasts, adipocytes, chondrocytes etc.,. In view of the above fact, the workshop on stem cell culture and characterization was initiated at BRULAC-DRC, Saveetha Dental College on the 15th of April 2019. The delegates and students were welcomed by Dr.M.Karthik Ganesh and Dr.J.Vijayashree. The workshop started with a brief introduction about the invited speaker Dr.S.Raghunandhakumar, UGC-Kothari Postdoctoral Fellow by Dr.D.Ezhilarasan. The presentation on “Mesenchymal stem cells from dental pulp and their application” enlightened the students and other delegates about the potential use of MSCs in the field of dentistry. The speaker was felicitated by Dr.A.Paramasivam and Dr.A.Padmaraj.

The hands-on training started with processing of dental pulp which was demonstrated by Dr.A.Paramasivam and Dr.S.Raghunandhakumar. The students were asked to perform the procedure independently, following which they isolated RNA from the cells. The students and delegates were enthralled to visualize RNA on the agarose gel. The characterization of the stem cells was achieved by specific marker detection employing both reverse transcriptase and conventional PCR. The principle and methodology was explained to students and they were taught to set-up a PCR reaction and programming of the thermal cycler. Stem cell marker specific PCR returned a positive result which was shared to students after gel documentation. The workshop concluded with positive feedbacks from the delegates and students, which proved its success!

International Credit Course on Theranostic Drug Delivery System-Credit Course

The Department of Pharmacology organised a credit course on the topic Theranostic Drug Delivery System from 25th March to 29th March, in collaboration with University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. The CDE points for the over all course was approved to be 23 (TNDC approval No135/19).  

Prof. Kylie Williams and Dr. Kamal Dua from UTS was invited as international speakers and Dr.Anitha Roy, Dr. Lakshmi.T, Dr.Ezhilarasan.D , Dr. Rajeshkumar.S, Mr.Lakshminarayanan.A from department of Pharmacology , Dr. Jaiganesh.R, Dr. Radhika,  Dr.Arvina  from department of Periodontics were the national speakers for the event . Participants  from various colleges attended the credit course. On the 4th day an examination on grant proposal writing was conducted and best proposal was awarded with a certificate of appreciation.

As a continuation of the credit course the 5th day 29th March was addressed to be an International Symposium  on the topic Current Concept in Drug Discovery. Prof. Kylie Williams and Dr. Kamal Dua from UTS was invited as international speakers and Dr. K SenthilKumaran and Dr.B. Premkumar as national speakers. Also an e-poster presentation completion was conducted and best poster was awarded with a certificate of appreciation.

Molecular Diagnosis of Antibiotic resistance in Oral Pathogens

The Department of Microbiology organized a “National Level Hands-on Workshop on Molecular Diagnosis of Antibiotic resistance in Oral Pathogens” in technical Collaboration With Biozone Research Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Chennai from 26th- 29th March 2019. The three-day workshop included wet-lab activities, lectures and group discussions. The work shop was well attended by thirty nine registered delegates including the undergraduate, post graduates and faculties.   

Antimicrobial resistance is a growing global public health threat. This workshop is an effort to equip researchers and dental practitioners with the recent advances in genomic analysis of antimicrobial resistance. This is an effort to evince the current scenario and method for analyzing beta lactamase gene, biofilm producing gene expressions and efflux pump gene expressions in oral bacteria by gene specific PCR and Real time PCR. 

The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Thangam Menon, Retd. Professor of Microbiology, University of Madras, Chennai, and also delivered a lecture on “Prevalence of antibiotic resistance in the environment: the current scenario”. Hands on training was given on isolation, characterization and study of antibiotic susceptibility pattern of pathogens from clinical samples.

The second day of the workshop started with a brief lecture by Dr.Aneesh Nair, on the procedure involved in the extraction of genomic DNA and a note on the working principle of the equipment such as centrifuge, vortex, spectrophotometer etc., Pipette handling, loading the samples into the centrifuge, terms like RCF and RPM, preparation of agarose gel. Dr.Florida Tilton, interacted with the delegates about the DNA extraction procedure and also delivered a lecture on “Molecular methods for the detection of antimicrobial resistance among oral pathogens. Dr.Rex Arunraj delivered a lecture on “Polymerase chain reaction and its application in diagnosis”. His lecture emphasized the techniques on improving the sensitivity and specificity of PCR tool in diagnostic field.

On the third day of the workshop participants were trained to perform polymerase chain reaction using specific primers. The students processed their samples with the guidance and allowed to set-up program in the thermal cycler. The PCR products were visualized using an UV transilluminator and were documented in a gel documentation system.

Dr.Wilson Aruni, delivered a lecture on “Human oral microbiome and oral cancer”. The lecture was very informative and imparted several novel ideas in students. The valedictory note and vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. R.V.Geetha, where she thanked the entire team for the successful event

Its time to End TB- Awareness Campaign

Department of Microbiology observed the World TB day on 24th of March 2019 at Saveetha Dental College and Hospital premises with the motto “Its time: End TB”. Faculties organized an awareness campaign towards the tuberculosis threat among the faculties, visiting patients, technical staff and class IV servants. Pamphlets creating awareness on TB prevention and transmission were distributed for the visiting patients. Banners and posters were displayed at various places in the college with the information about the motto for the year 2019, pathogenesis, treatment regimens, incidence rates and resistant scenario of TB.
