Tapered Screw Vent Implant System - A Legacy of Performance

Tapered Screw Vent Implant System - A Legacy of Performance

Department of Implantology conducted a webinar on Zimmer TSV implants on 19th April 2021. The key speaker for the program was Dr. Tanvi Dhoot, Periodontist from Zimmer. The lecture was on a brief introduction on TSV Zimmer Implant system, and its legacy of performance. The core design of the system, abutment connection, surgical and prosthetic protocol was emphasised as well durning the lecture. Clinical Achievements and success and survival rates of the system was shown with statistical data. The program had 50 participants from our college where each hands the experience to place implants in dummy models. The exposure provided by this program has given our students the knowledge and confidence in placing implants.