Department of Pharmacology has conducted a Guest Lecture on 17 th November 2018 on atopic entitled “A combinatorial informatics approach applied in deciphering insights of diagnosis and treatment”. The Disease management relies on the information of genome and proteome to identifyproteins associated with a disease. The basis of new drug discovery is to inactivate proteins involved indisease, which is performed with the help of 3D structure of the protein associated with the disease.Our speaker Dr.S.Sridhar, Assistant Professor,Department of Biotechnology, Jeppiaar EngineeringCollege has given a very informative lecture on Integrating data, pattern recognition, mining,interpreting using machine learning algorithms and visualization. Also about the analysis and understanding of biological processes relevant to oral tool using computational tools such as statistics/machine learning approaches has explained. The present lecture might have opened way tonew research projects in the young minds of our budding dentists.