Edify- Department of Periodontics-27/4/2017

 The theme of the meeting was -Throwback Thursday!! The edify highlighted the events and progress of the department from October 2016-March 2017.

Prior to the meeting the edify awards were distributed. The workaholic and punctuality awards were won byDr.Sheeja and the best clinical teaching award was won by Dr.Kaarthikeyan.

     The OP statistics for the undergraduate and postgraduateclinics were presented. The co curricular activities of the department was also put forth. The highlights were the innovative teaching videos done under the topics “Periodontal regeneration” using an animation software “Maya” and the other one on “ Papillon-Lefevre syndrome” .

    Innovations in the postgraduate clinical training included a video showing the design and usage of 3 new instruments , namely the modified Periotemp probe, tissue holding forceps and a flap holding forceps. The edify meeting progressed withavideo recap of all the CDE programs and conferences (National and International) organized and participated by the staff and students of the department. The Oral hygiene day celebrations of the department was also shown in a video footage. The edify was concluded on a lighter note with a video describing the iBookexperience of faculty.  

    The edify presentation as well received by our Director of Academics , Dr.Deepak Nallswamy and other faculty. Deepak sir also mentioned that it was the best edify so far. 

Workshop & Hand-on training on "Laboratory Animal in Scientific Experimentation and Research” (LASER)

Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals feeling pleasure to share the happiness of successful completion of workshop & hands-on training on “Laboratory Animal in Scientific Experimentation and Research” (LASER) by the Department of Biomedical Research Unit Laboratory Animal Care and Dental Research Cell (BRULAC& DRC) which was aimed to train the PhD scholars and MD postgraduates. The program was inaugurated by the Director Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy, along with the presence of chief guest Dr. S. Ramesh professor& Head Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, TANVUS and the session guest speaker Dr. S.Balarama Kaimal Assistant professor, Saveetha Medical College. The director Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy addressed the gathering and articulated the importance of animal research in the medical, dental and other research streams. Followed by the inaugural ceremony the gracious presence and enlighten lectures from the chief guest and guest speaker has given an impact on participants on different aspects in Animal Research. While in the hands on session the participants were demonstrated and allowed to handle the animals in the specialized techniques like establishing research models, blood collection, organ collection, brain dissection, learning, memory, motor co-ordination, assessment of animal behavioral, laboratory CARE and maintenance by the scientist in charge Dr. D. Ezhilarasan other scientists Dr. M. Karthik Ganesh, Mr. N. Ashok Vardhan and the veterinarian in charge Dr. T.Muralidaran of the BRULAC& DRC department. The guests and participants very well appreciated the BRULAC& DRC department and the management of Saveetha Dental College and Hospital for conducting such a fruitful workshop.The Controller of Research (UG) Dr. P. Gopinath extended the thanks on behalf of BRULAC& DRC for the support from the director, chief guest, guest speaker and the Saveetha Dental College and Hospital in the success of Workshop.

Caries Activity Test

The department of microbiology, Saveetha Dental College had successfully conducted an hands-on workshop for dentists titled “ CARIES ACTIVITY TEST”  on 22.4.17. An informal inauguration was conducted welcoming the guest speaker and the delegates. The program started by 9.00 Am with lecture highlighting the importance of caries activity test for dentists. Two speakers delivered their lecture, Dr. S. Shyam, Reader, Meenakshiammal Dental college and Mr. N.P.Murali dharan, Reader, Saveetha Dental College.

The workshop was attended by a restricted 60 registered delegates who attended the lectures and was followed by demonstration of performing caries activity tests. Then the delegates were guided to do caries activity test on their own. They were shown the cultures done to demonstrate the role of various bacteria in the pathogenesis of dental caries. We have sought for CDE points from Tamilnadu dental council.


The purpose of the MoU is to utilise the herbal extracts they market for the research study for faculty and students . Life care phyto lab basically an manufacturing, R & D laboratory which focus on quality of the herbal medications. 

As an major part of MoU , there will be student and faculty participation in the industrial collaboration for utilising their laboratory and involve in govt funded projects as well as short term research projects in Saveetha Dental College .

“The Body & The Mind - Its All About You”:

The Department of Anatomy organized a workshop on Health and fitness at M.M convention centre in Saveetha Dental College on 1st of April 2017 had a total of 277 participants. Students & Staff from our college and other Medical, Dental & Nursing colleges also participated in it including parents and other health care professionals.

The participants were welcomed by an inspiring dance by the I BDS students. The work shop was inaugurated by Director of Academics Dr. Deepak Nallasamy, Dr. Ramakrishnan, Cardiothoracic surgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Dr Sheeja Varghese, Associate Dean of Academics and Mrs. Thenmozhi, Head, Department of Anatomy.  

Inaugration was followed by a guest lecture by Dr. Ramakrishnan, Cardiothoracic surgeon, Apollo Hospitals on “Input life into your Heart for a healthy output”. After a healthy snack break the participants had hands on training on self stretching in “Flex Stretch & Extend” By Mr. Yuvaraj Babu, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy.

Dr. Karpagam krishnamoorthy, Lecturer,Department of Anatomy gave advices on diet in her talk “Eat what you need and not what you greed”. This was followed by a talk by Professor.   Dr.EMG. Subramanian, Head of Pedodontics on “Fit bit with EMG”.

 To conclude the workshopDr. Karpagam and students gave a demonstration of Muscle Toning Exercises . Feedback from students of other colleges was got; Participation certificates were given followed by a Healthy Lunch to end the workshop.


Hands on workshop - Grant writing and patent filing

Dept of pharmacology organised a hands on workshop on grant writing and patent filing on 15th April 2017.Dr Chamundeswari ,principal ,college of pharmacy ,Sri Ramachandra university delivered key note address on importance of writing a grant proposal and its impact to the development of the organisation and Dr Ezhilarasan , Dr.Thirumalai kumaran also delivered guest lecture on grant writing and showed few sample proposal and made the students to perform hands on training related to drafting the grant proposal for ICMR ,DST ...

The patent drafting and filing was an interactive session which held in the afternoon session .Dr.Subramaniyan ,Deputy controller of patents ,patent office ,guindy delivered an informative lecture and it was an eye opener for the faculty and students about the patent and IPR .

There were over 52 participants from various colleges in Tamilnadu like Adiparasakti dental college ,SRM Dental College ,Asan Dental college ,Meenakshi Amal Dental college ,Sathyabama Dental College , faculty ,graduates & post graduate students -Endodontics department actively participated in the workshop and it was an grand success .

IADR 2017- Sanfrancisco

Research is formalised curiosity; it is something one opts to do or not to do. we chose to diligently seek knowledge while pursuing a passion; by taking part in the International Association of Dental Research (IADR) 2017, that focuses on advance research for improvement of oral health worldwide, which took place from the 22nd till the 25th of March in San Francisco, California, USA.

On the 20th of March, staffs and students of our College, set course to San Francisco to attend the general session of the 95th IADR Conference. The participants published their respective papers and posters in the general session, resulting in a tremendous response from the other Universities. The number of posters and papers that were presented by the other Universities were immense and witnessed an active interaction platform. The participants got to interact with international practitioners at the top of their respective fields, which enabled them to gather greater knowledge not only from the field of Dentistry but also from other scientific fields. Dr. James David Raj was awarded with the 2017 IADR Hatton Divisional Award.

Dr. Sameer Bhole, the Clinical Director of Oral health services, SydneyDental Hospital, was in appreciation of the system practiced in Saveetha Dental College. The staffs and students of the college take pride in attending this prestigious conference and obtaining awards for the priceless efforts that had been implied. 

MoU with School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vels University

MOU between Saveetha Dental College, finest institutions in the world with a unique curriculum with a blend of the best practices and School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vels University known for 25 years of service in Pharmaceutical Education and research with its state-of-the art infrastructure and experienced faculty members mainly aims in novel drug formulations for management of oral mucosal lesions especially potentially malignant disorders thereby attempting to treat such patients at early stages to prevent malignant transformation.

The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences had represented the formulation of various drug delivery systems for the treatment of various dental disorders/ diseases. These formulations were usually tested in animals for their effectiveness. This collaboration will lead to new way for the real time study of the therapeutic effectiveness of the novel drug delivery systems in the patients. The development of drug loaded in-situ gels for treatment of dental disorders will be novel approach in which the formulation remains as liquid dosage form until it is administered on to the patients’ site, where it is converted into a gel. It is estimated that about 50% of school children are suffering from Dental caries and more than 90% of adults are having periodontal diseases. Many such affected sites out of reach for application of the semisolid formulations. Hence the development of optimized new insitu gel formulation which improves the rate and extent of action of drug loaded, and thereby enhancing the overall quality of treatment of patients. 

Saveetha Dental College proved its track record in providing quality treatment for the patients and this Research collaboration will definitely open the new avenues to reach great heights in patient service and to train students of both the universities with unsurpassed skills in Clinical, Academic and Research domains.

MoU with TwinTech Academy Business Management Solutions

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on Friday between Saveetha University (Among the nation’s prestigious seats of education covering a diverse range of subjects that include Medicine, Dental Surgery, Engineering, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Law and Management) and Chennai`s leading trainer and well known solution provider - TwinTech Academy Business Management Solutions Pvt. Ltd on 03rd April 2017.

The collaboration would help in pooling the expertise and experience of these institutions in their respective areas to enhance the quality of the management program being offered and give the cutting edge to the managerial skills of the students of Saveetha Dental College.

Under the provisions laid by the MoU the collaborating institutions would conduct Student Internships programs. Career-Centric Skills Enhancement Programs (C-SEP), Faculty development Programs, jointly participate as members in Saveetha`s Expert Committee to explore and incorporate the latest advancements in the science and art of management and add a real time element into the courses, they will also jointly organize seminars, conduct Continuing Education programs in various healthcare and management areas.

The Management of Saveetha Dental College declared the appointment of Mr A Mahalingam of TwinTech Academy Business Management Solutions as a Distinguished Adjunct faculty on the occasion and issued a formal letter for the same as part the MOU.






The CDE Program was organised by Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology in collaboration with Department of Biochemistry on 12.4.2017 at Decennial Hall and it was first of its kind bridging the gap between Dentistry andBasicMedical Sciences.

Dr T.N.Uma Maheswari,  Professor , Dept of Oral Medicine was the organising Chairman ,Dr Vishnu Priya, Professor, Dept of Biochemistry was the Organising secretary and Dr Maragathavalli and Mrs. R.Gayathri were Joint secretaries of this CDE program.

Dr.P.Shanmugasundaram, Director, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vels university was the Guest of Honour and he was invited for MOU signing between Saveetha Dental College and School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vels University.

Dr Santhosh Kumar, Professor andHead , Dept of Pharmacology, Vels University delivered a invited talk on Space Immunology and Dr Krishnan, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Saveetha Medical College, Saveetha University delivered a talk on Targetted immunotherapy and its clinical implications.

Dr Satheesh Kumar, Professor and HOD, Department of Pharmaceutics, Vels universitywas the chair Moderator of the scientific session. 

Registration was made free and there were 140 registered delegates and 2 DCI credit points were allotted for this innovative CDE Programme on Space Immunology.

MoU with Institute of Bio- Medical Research

SDC Signed Memorandum of understanding with Institute of Bio- Medical Research , a In house R& D unit recognized by Department of scientific & Industrial research, Ministry of sciences & technology, Government of Indian on 8th April 2017. The MoU paves a platform for research in stem cell Biology, Embryology and Human Genetics for Undergraduates and Post Graduates.

Workshop in Current Trends In Clinical Immunology

Department of Biochemistry organised Hands on workshop in current trends in clinical immunology on April 6th 2017. Dental Council has awarded 6 credit points for the workshop. Undergraduates and postgraduates were exposed to immunological techniques like immuno histochemistry, double immuno diffusion, single radial immuno diffusion, SDS - PAGE.The students were awarded for their active participation in the workshop.

Train the Trainers!!

The month of April 2017 started with a bright note for the Department of Pedodontic and Preventive Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College. The dynamic members of the Department of Pedodontics once again crafted a captivating CDE program titled ‘TRAIN THE TRAINERS’. The program was held in Decennial Hall of Saveetha Dental College on 7th April 2017.

The program targeted the minds of the dentists, health care professionals and the parents to provide an insight on Pediatric Oral Health Care. In order to motivate the children and parents, a drawing competition titled ‘Me and My Dentist’ was conducted by the Department of Pedodontic and Preventive Dentistry from 27th March to 5th April 2017.

This innovative drawing contest, tried to capture the various emotions felt by children towards dentist. The children were motivated to draw by the dentists and sent the completed pictures to them. The drawings of the children were posted in Facebook and the link were sent to the parents in order to like the photographs and share it with their friends. Based on the number of likes, the awards were distributed. The young children expressed thought such as, ‘Feel of seeing arainbow’ and ‘Happiness’. They also displayed their understanding of how to maintain proper oral health. Most of them thanked Saveetha Dental College for providing this beautiful experience. The ease of approach of the drawing competition through Social Media made the participants to compete more actively. 

The program was attended by a total of 110 participants. In addition to this, the children and teaching faculty, of Puliamedu Government School also adorned the event. The inaugural function commenced with a Welcome note to address the gathering and Tamil Thai Vazhthu and Lighting of the Kuthuvizhaku by the Chief guest, Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy and speakers. Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy shared a few perceptive thoughts about the CDE program. He also stated that he really liked the team effort put forward by the members of the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry in conducting successful consecutive CDE programs. 

This was followed by a display of a 5 minute video which captured the thoughts of the young mind about dentist. The awards of the winners and the participants of the competition were given by Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy and Dr. Tushar Panchanadikar. In addition to this, ten special awards were given to children for their enthusiastic participation by Dr. EMG. Subramanian. 

Subsequent to this, the first guest lecture was given by, Dr. Tushar Panchanadikar, an eminent Gynaecologist and Obstrecian from Pune. He spokeabout the influence of drug intake andimportance of oral health care during the pregnancy. The interrelationship between antenatal care and child oral health was explained in detail. The second lecture covered by Dr. Aravind Sivakumar on the Oral Care for Children with Craniofacial Deformities. This session covered the management of children with Cleft Lip and Palate and other craniofacial deformities from a clinical perspective and empathetic view. 

The afternoon session started off with an enlightening session on Oral Health Care for Toddlers by Dr. EMG. Subramanian. He stressed about the importance of establishing a dental home at an early age. This was followed by an interactive and knowledgeable session on Anticipatory guidance through Adolescence by Dr. Deepa Gurrunathan. This session mainly focussed on the emergency management of traumatic injuries in children. Post lecture a query session was conducted were participants actively participated and doubts were clarified by the speakers.

The program concluded on a happy note with the distribution of the certificates to the participants.


The month of April 2017 started with a bright note for the Department of Pedodontic and Preventive Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College. The dynamic members of the Department of Pedodontics once again crafted a captivating CDE program titled ‘TRAIN THE TRAINERS’. The program was held in Decennial Hall of Saveetha Dental College on 7th April 2017.

The program targeted the minds of the dentists, health care professionals and the parents to provide an insight on Pediatric Oral Health Care. In order to motivate the children and parents, a drawing competition titled ‘Me and My Dentist’ was conducted by the Department of Pedodontic and Preventive Dentistry from 27th March to 5th April 2017. In this innovative drawing contest, the children were motivated to draw by the dentists and sent the completed pictures to them. The drawings of the children were posted in Facebook and the link were sent to the parents in order to like the photographs and share it with their friends. Based on the number of likes, the awards were distributed. The ease of approach of the drawing competition through Social Media made the participants to compete more actively. The program was attended by a total of 110 participants. In addition to this, the children and teaching faculty, of Puliamedu Government School also adorned the event.

The inaugural function commenced with a Welcome note to address the gathering and Tamil Thai Vazhthu and Lighting of the Kuthuvizhaku by the Chief guest, Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy and speakers. Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy shared a few perceptive thoughts about the CDE program. He also stated that he really liked the team effort put forward by the members of the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry in conducting successful consecutive CDE programs.

This was followed by a display of a 5 minute video which captured the thoughts of the young mind about dentist. The awards of the winners and the participants of the competition were given by Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy and Dr. Tushar Panchanadikar. In addition to this, ten special awards were given to children for their enthusiastic participation by Dr. EMG. Subramanian.

Subsequent to this, the first guest lecture was given by, Dr. Tushar Panchanadikar, an eminent Gynaecologist and Obstrecian from Pune. He spoke about the influence of drug intake and importance of oral health care during the pregnancy. The interrelationship between antenatal care and child oral health was explained in detail. The second lecture covered by Dr. Aravind Sivakumar on the Oral Care for Children with Craniofacial Deformities. This session covered the management of children with Cleft Lip and Palate and other craniofacial deformities from a clinical perspective and empathetic view.

The afternoon session started off with an enlightening session on Oral Health Care for Toddlers by Dr. EMG. Subramanian. He stressed about the importance of establishing a dental home at an early age. This was followed by an interactive and knowledgeable session on Anticipatory guidance through Adolescence by Dr. Deepa Gurrunathan. This session mainly focussed on the emergency management of traumatic injuries in children. Post lecture a query session was conducted were participants actively participated and doubts were clarified by the speakers.

The program concluded on a happy note with the distribution of the certificates to the participants.

Decision Making

Decision-making are systematically presented and practised. Participants will have the opportunity to compare different decision-making methods using practical examples. You will have a chance to analyse and optimise your own decision-making behaviour.

Seminar Content includes Methods and techniques of preparing for a decision ,The decision-making process ,Criteria for decision-making ,Evaluating the criteria ,Developing alternatives,The rational decision and the intuitive decision ,Steps of a practical decision-making process​​​​​​​SOFT-SKILLS in decision-making​​​​​​​ ,Making decisions faster and more efficiently​​​​​​​,Critical points during the decision-making process​​​​​​​ ,Problems of evaluation in the process of reaching a decision​​​,Possibilities and limits of a systematic approach to decision-making​​​​​​​Enforcement of decisions​​​​​​​ ,Overview of decision-making techniques​​​​​​​

Managing difficult people –Stress management

Stress management is important in everyone’s lives. It’s necessary for long happy lives with less trouble that will come about. There are many ways to deal with stress ranging from the dealing with the causes of stress to simply burning off its effects. Living today is a lot tougher than it was even in the days of the great depression. It’s been coming out in many ways such as all time occurrence of stomach and intestine ulcers. Others finds sleep disorders during busy days. This seminar will help participants to identify the causes of their stress and provide them with practical, effective tools to avoid, reduce and manage stress – both on and off the job

A red lettered day in our students life: Convocation 2017

A CONVOCATION is a group of people formally assembled for a special purpose, mostly ecclesiastical or academic.

Saveetha university is celebrating the 10th Convocation this year as a Deemed University. This is the 24th Convocation for the Saveetha Dental College as such. Its a great honour to all the graduates to get graduated from one of the prestigious institute across the globe. 

There are about 100 undergraduates and 44 post graduates getting graduated this day. The aspired to be great doctors and they are one today. Name any renowned institution across the world and you will find a Saveetha Alumni in distinguished position there. Yes, Our alumnus carry forward the Saveetha legacy with pride and honour.

Honourable Founder& Chancellor, Saveetha University gave the presidential address. Honourable Thiru.Justice. M. Jaichandren, Former Judge, High Court of Madras, Chennai, gave the Convocation address. Followed by Convocation Ceremony. Morning session started at 8.30 AM and had graduates of the following courses Ph.D, M.D, M.Sc.(M), MBBS, B.Sc.(MIT), B.Sc.(MLT),MDS,BDS,M.Sc(N), B.Sc(N), P.B.B.Sc(N), BPT & BABL(Hons) & MBA. 

Post lunch, graduates of ME,M.Tech, BE, B.Tech of all engineering branches were graduated. Its not a day of ceremony but a day of "CELEBRATION".




Edify- Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

Department of Endodontics had worked to give an ANTHEM for their speciality. 

The had presented a video on teaching methodology which help students understand anatomy of root canal easily. Their were also illustrations on rubber dam placement and composite restoration. They presented a case on single sitting easthetic restoration for diastema closure.

Dr.Pradeep received workaholic award, Dr.Delphine received Punctuality award and Dr. James received highest clinical procedure award.Dr.Vishnupriya was promoted to be a Professor.

They also signed a MOU with Dr.Arvind Ramanathan, Director, Biolab Private limited which will be a milestone for new research in their speciality.

Dr.James receiving Highest Clinical Procedure Award

Dr.James receiving Highest Clinical Procedure Award

Dr.Arvind Ramanathan & Dr. Deepak Nallasamy, With the MOU 

Dr.Arvind Ramanathan & Dr. Deepak Nallasamy, With the MOU 

Dr. Pradeep receiving Workaholic Award

Dr. Pradeep receiving Workaholic Award

Dr.Vishnupriya receiving her promotion order as Professor

Dr.Vishnupriya receiving her promotion order as Professor

Dr. Delphine receiving Punctuality Award

Dr. Delphine receiving Punctuality Award

Dean, Director of Academics & Dr.Arvind Ramanathan in the Edify

Dean, Director of Academics & Dr.Arvind Ramanathan in the Edify

MOU with Life Teck Research Centre

Life Teck Research Centre

Saveetha Dental College & Hospitals signed an MoU with Dr. Seethalakshmi Illanchezian, Director, Life Teck Research Centre, Chennai on 11th March 2017. The core of this MoU focuses on specialized research techniques like Animal Cell Culture and Molecular Genetics for undergraduate and Post graduate students. 

Dr.Seethalakshmi Illanchezian with Director of Academics, Saveetha Dental College.

Dr.Seethalakshmi Illanchezian with Director of Academics, Saveetha Dental College.

EDIFY- Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery


The department of oral and maxillofacial surgery had the third edition of the edify on march 9th 2017.The department showcased the various academic achievements and extra-curricular activities.

The department presented a unique edify this time around. They presented a complete audio-visual package which contained a month-wise timeline showcasing all the events in the department. They also played two educational videos on Ameloblastoma and Orbital Blow-Out Fracture.

Prof.Dr.M.F.Baig was awarded the life time achievement award by Saveetha university.A total of 9 faculty papers, 35 post-graduate papers were presented in conferences conducted in the past 6 months and 5 best paper awards were awarded.

The Department organized one CDE programme in November which witnessed over 400 registrations and the Orthognathic Symposium was conducted in January 2017 which once again had 90 post-graduate students registering and also one International delegate from Saudi Arabia.

The Department also celebrated the International OMFS day by organizing a Walkathon on the 12th of february follwed by awareness lectures in all the sister institutions of the university and a tree plantation drive.

Dr. Nabeel receiving the Punctuality Award.

Dr. Nabeel receiving the Punctuality Award.

Dr.Senthil Nathan Addressing the gathering.

Dr.Senthil Nathan Addressing the gathering.