Edify- Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology

The Edify of the Department of Oral Pathology happened on the 23rd June 2017. The department played two educational videos, correlating the pathogenesis ofOdontogenic Cysts with the development of a coconut, and a key note animation on Formation of Saliva. The various happenings of the department from November 2016 to may 2017 was summarised. 

With the increasing number of oral cancer patients and the growing demand to provide them with adequate therapeutic care. This was emphasized in their video presentation on the need for cancer research with focus on targeted therapy. The Department also signed a MoU with AutoStem Laboratories Chennai. The future plans of the department was highlighted by Dr.Pratibha Ramani, Professor and Head. The department is stepping into more advances in stem cell research namely in vitro stem cell research, cancer stem cell research and clinical trials on targeted therapy.

CON AP 2017

We the department of Physiology and Anatomy conducted a National conference on clinical implications and developmental Anomalies on June 24th Saturday 2017. Almost 80 students across all dental colleges had actively participated in the conference and also had won many prizes and medals for their best presentation. The programme was started off with the registration and almost 80 participants were participated including the students from saveetha Dental College. The mode of presentation was paper and eposters on the conference. Faculties from other Dental Colleges also presented their research papers. Finally the valedictory function was headed by Dr. Gowri Sethu, Professor & Head, Department of Physiology and Mrs. Thenmozhi, Head of Anatomy department.

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International Yoga Day

Yoga  is a physical,mental and spiritual practice attributed to humankind.   International yoga day was celebrated in Saveetha Dental College on 21st June 2017. Students and faculty participated with great enthusiasm. We witnessed the passion among students towards yoga. 

Dr.N.D.Jayakumar, Dean, Saveetha Dental College presided over the function. In his welcome speech, he pointed out the importance of yoga in human life and how it enriches human values as applied to education. Dr.Sri Sakthi, Faculty, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry being the moderator for the debates served excellently and delivered some practical yoga techniques for students.

A English debate on “Yoga centres – Boon or Bane?” was being organized for students. Students presented their views on selection of yoga centres, their location, facilities provided, economic components, compared the current trend of yoga with ancient practices etc. They also quoted references from Thirumoolar. The concept of physical health, a base for further human development as explained by the students was admiring.

Tamil debate on “தற்கால சூழ்நிலையில் யோக பயிற்சி சாத்தியமா?, students expressed their views on modern life. The need to leave home at early hours to meet daily chores, office work has an impact on sparing time for yoga. The meaning of “Yoga – In Unison”, as explained by one of the students was exemplary. 

List of Student Participants for the Debate


Department of Biochemistry, SDC organized 1st International conference on Biochemistry & Molecular Biology on 10th June 2017. “Genetic Code is a divine writing” is the theme of the conference. The conference was attended by 354 delegates from various medical and dental institutions across the globe. Dr. Anand, Sr. Scientist from Tuberculosis research centre delivered a guest lecture on CRISPR – CAS9: The New Genetic Scissors To Combat Human Disease. 

Dr. Jamuna, professor in Biochemistry, Balaji Medical College enlightened the audience with her lecture on “DNA – The Past, Present and Future”

The highlight of the conference was the e-Poster presentation by our delegates. 136 e-Posters were presented simultaneously in 4 halls with scientific discussion conference concluded with a valedictory function, with best poster award for good presentations. 

Edify- Department of Orthodontics

Department of Orthodontics presented their edify on 8/6/2017 in a grander way. They showcased five different innovative teaching methodologies which includes

1. Teaching through sand art

2.Flip book sketch based teaching

3."Do it yourself" Activity based teaching

4.Stop motion animation

5.Colourful acrylisation

The Head of the Department Dr.Arvind Kumar spoke about the future plans which includes their upcoming convention, "Final count down 2017", Saveetha Selfie Spree- A malocclusion awareness initiative in which they will reward the best smiles and give treatment to those who require make it the best smile. the department is also planning for a mega guiness event. They also presented the promotional video of the cleft and craniofacial clinic headed by Dr.Arvind Sivakumar.


Evidence based tobacco cessation technique - workshop

Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology & Special Care Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College organised ‘Anti tobacco awareness Programme’ on “No Tobacco Day” and it was conducted for 4 days from 31st May 2017 till 3rd June. Dr.Mogit Gupta.Y and Dr.M.Subha were co-ordinating the programme. The Motto of the programme was to create awareness among the general population about the ill effects of tobacco and to help those who are already in the clutches of the habit. Sessions were conducted with a audio- visuals which were short movies and videos demonstrating the consequences of general health and oral health. For those addicted to the habit were counselled on an one to one basis and suggestions were given to them on how to quit the habit

Anti Tobacco Awareness Programme 31/5/2017 to 3/6/2017

On 31st May being "No Tobacco Day", Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Saveetha Dental College organised Anti-tobacco Awareness programme to educate people on the harmful effects of tobacco. They also educated non-smokers on how to motivate and help smokers to quit the habit. There was also a session for the non teaching male workers in the institution. 

MoU with Jayagen Biolabs on 29th May 2017.

Department of Biochemistry, Saveetha Dental College & Hospitals signed an MoU with Jayagen Biolabs on 29th May 2017.  Jayagen Biolabs is pioneer centre that provide technical and analytical support to student and professionals as well. This MoU aims at research collaboration between the institutions. Collaboration is extended across biomedical research designing, performing various short term and long term research and sharing knowledge between the institution and the laboratory.

Marga darsi Counselling & training Centre signed MOU for training with Saveetha  Dental College

Marga darsi Counselling & training Centre signed MOU for training with Saveetha Dental College,  Saveetha University on 29th May 2017. The Purpose of the MOU includes CBT for training insomnia & depression, Neurobics for stimulating right & left brain leading to creativity & Innovation. Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) for manifesting the students dream and breaking the barrier. (Game Based Learning),Experiential training (Concept can be facilitated with games), EFT (Emotion freedom technique),EET (Emotion Empowerment training ) To over come stress.To benefit the women empowerment cell, of saveetha Dental College Faculty development .Programme(FDP) on leadership qualities financial issues, Non – Violent communication related training will be organised.


Anger management

Anger management is a psycho-therapeutic program for anger prevention and control. It has been described as deploying anger successfully. The goal of the seminar is to give the participants the tools to deal with their own feelings of annoyance and anger more constructively and to use stress factors positively so that both quality of work and life quality are enhanced. Even in stressful situations you can find a way to deal with anger with more composure and so improve the general working atmosphere and also to manage the dental office with different types of patients in future .

MoU for Training Saveetha University`s School of Engineering & Saveetha Dental College Inked MoU with TwinTech Academy Business Management Solutions Pvt.Ltd.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on Friday, 12th May 2017  between Saveetha University's Saveetha School of Engineering and Chennai`s well known training institution and solution provider - TwinTech Academy Business Management Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

The two collaborating institutions would pool in the expertise and experience in their respective areas to enhance the quality of the management programs being offered and make it more beneficial to the students in Saveetha School of Engineering which is one of the finest institutions in the world with a unique curriculum that is a spectacular fusion of the best practices of the east and west.

The objectives of the MoU are to actively take part in Student Internships program, Career-Centric Skills Enhancement Program (C-SEP), Faculty development Programs, participate in Saveetha`s Expert Committee to offer best possible solutions for the courses and also jointly organize seminars, Continuing Education programs in various healthcare and management areas.

The dignitaries present during the MoU signing were Dr.Deepak Nallaswamy, Director - Saveetha Dental College,Dr.Ramya Deepak, Director - Saveetha School of Engineering,Dr.A.Deepak, Associate Dean of International Affairs - Saveetha College of Engineering, and Mr.A.Mahalingam, Managing Director - TwinTech Academy Business Management Solutions , Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Associate Dean External Affairs of Saveetha Dental College, MS.T Lakshmi and Ms.AnithaRoy ,Assistant professor , Departement of Pharmacology .

Applications of Bioinformatics in Drug Designing

Department of Pharmacology in Association with Biovnovem conducted a Hands on workshop on Applications of Bioinformatics in Drug Designing. This workshop was intended to introduce students to the field of Bioinformatics and its applications in real world, implications of software developed for bio-informatics on drug discovery and empower students on drug designing and development. 

Ms.Priya Sankar, CEO of Biovnovem, gave an extensivetalk on bioinformatic tools ,Programmes and databases. Ms.Sivaranjani and Mr.Arun Research Scientists had an elaborative talk on Molecular docking and Drug designing. The students were trained for molecular docking in drug designing. It was a different experience for the students and some of them definitely will inculcate this experience in their future research. The college also has signed an MOU with BIOVNOVEM to have a future prospect in research activities.

National Technology Day -11th May 2017

Saveetha Dental College`s Dept. of Pharmacology joined hands with TwinTech Academy, the leading management consultancy and teaching & training institution committed to dissemination of knowledge for the common good, to conduct a seminar on Information & Communications Technology in Healthcare on the 11th May 2017 at its campus on the occasion of National Technology Day.

Prof. Dr. Sheeja Vargheese, Asso. Dean of Academics, SDCH and Shri A Mahalingam, an academician & healthcare administrator par excellence and Managing Director of TwinTech Academy Business Management Solutions Pvt. Ltd. inaugurated the seminar. He briefed about his institutions and also reminded about the importance of the celebration of National Technology Day.Shri A Mahalingam, an academician & healthcare administrator par excellence and Managing Director of TwinTech Academy Business Management Solutions Pvt. Ltd. inaugurated the seminar. He briefed about his institutions and also reminded about the importance of the celebration of National Technology Day.

He emphasized that suitable technology adoption is a must and would ensure that medical care is affordable and at the same time there is no compromise in ensuring a quality delivery which results in the complete delight of the patient. Such technology adoption and implementation in terms of new state-of-the-art medical equipment is an integral part of medical delivery.

The objective was to deliberate on typical questions raised in the context of deploying adequate technology in the modern healthcare delivery. Prof T. Ramanan, M.Sc.(IT) and MBA Technology Management, a seasoned and multi-faceted professional who brings with him an expertise on diverse areas and subjects like Information Technology, leveraging the same effectively in various industries, product development in satellite industry, IT support, training and business development was the key note speaker at the seminar.

He spoke in detail on the deployment of ICT in various areas of Healthcare like Quality Medical Service Delivery, technology enabled onsite/offline education methodologies; the Clinical Decision Support Systems to supplement the diagnosis process in telemedicine to reach medical care at the door step of the rural poor.

The session presented an in depth picture of how Information & Communication Technology has seamlessly blended into the Healthcare Delivery process and how it has simplified the access and update of medical records of the patient from anywhere/anytime.

Organizing Secretary cum Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Ms T Lakshmi, Ms Anitha Roy, Asst Prof and Dr D Ezhilarasan Senior Lecturer of Pharmacology and over 100 delegates from various institutions attended this unique seminar.

The high power seminar was extremely well received by the participants and drew rich appreciation from both participants and speakers alike.


Hand on Workshop on "The Perfect Slice"

Department of Biochemistry organised a Hands on workshop on "The Perfect Slice" in Watson & Crick Hall held on 12th May 2017. Dr. Tamil selvi, head of anatomy, Sathyabama dental college delivered a guest lecture on "Histotechnology - an overview". Dental council has granted 3 credit points and the students were exposed to slicing, slide preparation and reading the variations.

Edify- Department of Prosthodontics

Department of prosthodontics started their video with a motivational video which touched everyone in the gathering followed by department credentials presentation. 

They had three innovative teaching videos on solidification of metals, lasers in prosthodontics and history and evolution of implants..

They had presented 340 posters in star summit over three days and won 40 awards. Faculty and students had presented papers in national and international forum.

Dr.Dhanraj received the best clinical trainer award and Dr. Thiyaneswaran received the workaholic award. Also Dr.Thiyaneswaran, Dr.Ashok, Dr.Vinay, Dr.Marian Anand , Dr. Preetam received the mentor fee for Australian Implant training course



Work Shop on Clinical Hematology

Department of Biochemistry organised a hands on workshop on clinical haematology on 10.05.2017 at Watson & Crick Hall, SDC. Dr. Kalaiselvi Professor of Biochemistry, Sree Balaji Medical College delivered a guest lecture on new approaches in clinical haematology. Students were taught on peripheral blood smear preparation, automated hemoanalyser and comparison between manual and automated techniques in haematology.

Edify- Department of Pedodontics

Pedo EDIFY version three, started with a technical video demonstrating a dual use casting pot. Followed by award distribution to Dr.Ganesh Jeevanand who bagged all three awards namely Most punctual, Most Workaholic and most number of procedures guided. With a brief introduction by Dr.Sujatha, the education videos on space maintainers and avulsion were explained by Dr.Mahesh Ramakrishnan and Dr.Kandasamy respectively. The department achievements were highlighted by D.G.Deepa and Dr.EMG Subramanian promised on the future plans of the department. Dr.Dhanalakshmi shared her memories as a Postgraduate student and the making of EDIFY version 3. The department did not forget to thank everyone in the EDIFY meet, in their own way thanks giving was done by distributing a momento.


Department of pharmacology organised a hands on workshop –Monitoring air quality in hospital environment to under graduate students of saveetha dental college in collaboration with technical expert from Marina Lab R & D ,Chennai.Around 30 students participated in the Lecture given by Dr.N Udayaprakash ,Director ,Marina Labs R & D and Dr Bhuvaneshwari ,Head Dept .of Plant Biotechnology ,Loganathan Govt College ,Ponneri.

Ms.N.Sripriya an Industrial expert performed an Hands on Training in the evaluation of air quality to the students. The programme completed successfully with the active participation of the students.

On this Ocassion an MOU was signed between Saveetha Dental College & Marina Labs R & D for collaborating various research work,publishing papers and for patent .The students will get benefitted for utilising their labs for short term research projects.

Seminario in Personal Excellence

Department of Biochemistry in association with Skillpedia, Oxford, UK conducted a Webinar entitled “Seminario in Personal Excellence “ on 27th April 2017.  Dental Council has awarded 2 credit points for this program. Skill experts,were Ms. Rajeeswari, Director, Skillpedia, UK and Ms. Lina Akbar, CEO, Coach me 2 success, UK. It was a very interactive session interspersed with activities. Seminario gave an insight into moving towards personal excellence and becoming the best possible version of ourselves.