DTX guided surgery and digital  workflow training cum workshop

Department  of Prosthodontics  and implantology organised  ‘’DTX guided surgery and digital  workflow training cum workshop ’’ on  8th and 9th august 2019 in collaboration   with nobel clinician. Post graduate of Prosthodontics  student and Fellow’s of implantology participated in the program.

 It was an amazing two day  session by Dr. KBS  Kuckreja and Mr. Ramachandran   on the first day of the  workshop. Dr. KBS  Kuckreja gave  an insight of the  entire digital workflow  guided implant surgery followed by a hand‘s  training. Mr. Ramachandran gave us a technical   insight of the surgical template on the second day.

We  learnt the importance of digital workflow for precise implant placement  as well as the technical aspects of surgical guide . Digital workflow being the future of dentistry it was truly a great opportunity   to learn.  


Australian Dental Implant Course

The Australian Programme course was conducted in the month of August 2019. This continuing Programme provided a comprehensive review of dental implantology a hands on programme for 8 participants from various countries. All the participants received one to one mentorship with 12 implants placement in live patients. Extensive lecture casts for an hour followed by surgical implant placement was carried out in one week duration.

Nanobiomedicine Preparation and Applications (Nanoz-2K19) Workshop

The Nanobiomedicine Lab, Aquatic Nanotoxicology Unit and Department of Research, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, SIMATS, Chennai had organised the 1st Workshop on Nanobiomedicine Preparation and Applications (Nanoz-2K19) on August 30th, 2019. Nanotechnology is an emerging field and having lot of applications in diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Nanoparticles have wide range of applications in dentistry especially nanosilver, nanozinc, nanocopper and chitosan nanoparticles in antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens and anticancer activities, nanocarbon, nanosilica and dendrimers in bio-mineralization, gold nanoparticles in drug delivery systems, hydrogels, metal nanoparticles in periodontology, endodontics, orthodontics and bone filling products. Dr. D. J. Mukesh Kumar, Post-Doctoral fellow from Madras University delivered a Guest Lecture on “Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology”, followed by which Dr. Rajeshkumar gave a crisp Introduction & Description of Nanobiomedicine Lab. About 30 delegates from all over the state participated in the workshop. This workshop was structured in such a way that, the techniques of Nanoparticles preparation (Silver, zinc oxide, silica, zirconium, and copper oxide), Nanocomposites preparation, Characterization using UV-vis spectroscopy, Purification, Antimicrobial activity, Antioxidant activity, Anti-inflammatory activity, Brine shrimp lethality assay (Cytotoxic effect) and Zebra fish embryonic toxicology were illuminated. The 1st Workshop on Nanobiomedicine Preparation and Applications turned out be very interactive and informative.


Anterior Biomimetics

The department of Aesthetic dentistry in association with European society of cosmetic dentistry  and GC conducted a CDE programme on “Anterior Biomimetics” on 30th August 2019. Dr. S. Arun Suraj, Director Dr. Arun’s 32 Pearls dental centre, was the invited guest speaker for the programme.  The lecture highlighted the importance of biomimetics in Aesthetic dentistry and also on the current trends on digital smile designing. There were around 60 participants who had attended the programme. A separate live demo and hands on session on anterior composite build up and polishing was conducted post lunch. This programme aided them to master their clinical skills in anterior composite restoration and was well appreciated by the participants.


Edify- Department of Public Health Dentistry

The department of Public Health Dentistry showcased its 6th edition of Edify on Activity Based Learning on 22nd of August. Public health dentistry in its true sense mainly focuses on promoting community oral health through evidence-based practice and primary health care approach. Students as part of field activity were given first-hand experience as how a primary health center functions, which is the work horse of health care delivery in India. Further, they also learnt hands on training on one of the basic packages of oral care- Alternative Restorative Treatment. Lastly, the history of fluoride was made easy as students prepared a road map in reality to reinforce relevant dates and events. The audience awarded a cumulative score of 7.7 for our presentation. Worthy of mention, both workaholic and punctuality award were awarded to our head, Dr. Meignana Arumgham I. by our director Dr. Deepak Nallasamy and our Dean. Dr. Sheeja Varghese.


Oral Hygiene Day

The Department of Periodontology, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals celebrated Oral Hygiene Day on 1st August, 2019 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. G. B. Shankwalker, the doyen of Indian Periodontics by organizing dental camps at peripheral sites. We stressed the importance of oral health in the community by distributing oral hygiene awareness pamphlets and oral hygiene aid kits to the public. We motivated the patients on oral hygiene by displaying video demonstration on oral hygiene maintenance. As a part of Oral hygiene day, Oral B sponsored program on ‘Modern Day Oral Hygiene Aids” conducted in association with Indian Dental Association that week. Over 600 patients benefited from these series of activities conducted.


Digital workshop for dental prosthesis : ISPRP preconference workshop

The ISPRP preconference workshop the department of prosthodontics conducted digital workshop for dental prosthesis fabrication by Dr.Ashok. The participants used the digital module to fabricate a 3 unit bridge starting from scanning till milling in the SIRONA dental system with Blue cam intra oral scanner. The workshop was helpful to get oriented to the complete digital workflow of dental prosthesis fabrication and also gave an idea of virtual preparation evaluation. The participants were very enthusiastic and wanted more programs on digital dentistry to be conducted more frequently to enhance their knowledge and skills in the field of CAD CAM dentistry.

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Research Orientation program for post graduate students

The research orientation programme for the first year post graduate students was conducted at BRULAC - DRC. Students were exposed to the facilities available at the Dental Research Cell. Students from different specialities visited the laboratory , Dr.Vijayashree explained about the applications of methods which can be performed at the laboratory. In continuation with it, students also visited the animal house facility which is considered to be of prime importance in designing their research projects. Dr.Ezhilarasan, Dr.Padmaraj and Dr.Karthik Ganesh explained about the ongoing research projects carried out at BRULAC. Students were excited about the sophisticated research facilities available at the research cell.

EDIFY- Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery


The department of oral and maxillofacial surgery showcased it 6th edition of Edify on the 1st of August.The theme of the edify was activity based learning. Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a speciality in dentistry which requires extensive understanding of the anatomy and precise surgical skills to treat patients.Students find it difficult to understand certain treatment concepts as all they see in the textbooks are two-dimensional in presentation. We prepare study models which enable the students to learn the procedure by performing them on these models. We teach them concepts of cyst treatment which are multiple and require a certain level of understanding.Likewise, trans-alveolar extractions and fracture reduction and fixation procedures are also demonstrated on models for easy understanding. Dr.R.N.Balakrishna was also awarded the workaholic award by our Dr.Deepak Nallasamy, Director of Academics and our Dr.Sheeja Varghese, Dean, Saveetha Dental College.

World Hepatitis day

Department of Microbiology observed the World Hepatitis day on 27th of July 2019 in the Saveetha Dental College and Hospital premises. World hepatitis day   observed every year to create awareness about transmission, screening and control of viral hepatitis with a specific theme. The motto for World Hepatitis Day 2019 is “Invest in Eliminating Hepatitis”

A guest lecture was arranged by the department about Blood borne viruses with special reference to Hepatitis B virus. Dr.Pachamuthu Balakrishnan, Head, Division of Microbiology and Quality, Infectious Disease Laboratory, YRG Centre for AIDS Research and Education, Chennai was the guest speaker of the day. The speaker made a vibrant note on prevelance prevention measures and the novel governmental plans to stop TB spread in the community. 

micro world hepatitis day.jpg
micro hepatitis day.jpg


Department of Microbiology organized and conducted an International conference on Current Research and Developments in Microbiology – MICROSUMMIT 2019 on 3rd of August 2019 under the specialized themes on Antimicrobial drug resistance, Microbial genomics, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Food, soil, and Industrial Microbiology. Nearly 300 delegates from 25 reputed arts and science colleges and Govt. universities from South India, participated in the conference and presented their research works in 5 different scientific sessions. The Inauguration was presided by our Director of Academics, Dr.Deepak Nallasamy along with the speakers of the forum Dr.Meganathan Kannan, Visiting Professor at Hemostasis and thrombosis Research Laboratory, Loyola University Medical Centre, Chicago, USA and Dr.V.Aravindhan, Visiting Scientist at the AIDS International Training and Research Program, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA. Dr.R.V Geetha welcomed the dignitaries and delegates for the conference. The speakers and chairpersons of the scientific sessions were felicitated and the Best research works were awarded for the faculties, research scholars and post graduates by Dr.Deepak. Dr.A.S.Smiline Girija, organizing secretary, proposed the formal vote of thanks. The Inauguration was followed by the scientific lectures by the eminent speakers under the charge of Mr.N.P.Muralidharan. The speakers awarded the best research works for the undergraduate delegates. Team Micro is grateful for the support and encouragement rendered by the management of Saveetha as the forum was a grand success.


A little boy of 7 years old was brought to Saveetha Dental College and Hospital by his parents with a complaint of a swelling in the jaw.  He had been taken to a nearby hospital, Chennai at the age of 3 since the parents noticed a small swelling at the right lower jaw, but he refused to co-operate for any investigative procedures as he was very young. Hence the swelling was left undiagnosed for 4 years. He was brought to our institution at the age of 7 years as the swelling was slowly increasing in size. 

The parents were very apprehensive as they had thought it could be a cancer of the jaw. The initial work up by the surgeons revealed a large lesion with multiple hard structures at a single site within the lower jaw. During the surgery, the operating surgeon noticed a well-defined bag like mass which was removed in its entirety. The specimen weighed about 200gms.

The specimen was radiographed which revealed multiple tiny radiopaque structures. On further evaluation by the oral pathologists, and to their utmost surprise the bag revealed 526 tooth like structures. In the pathologists’ own words “it was reminiscent of pearls in an oyster”. It took 5 hours of meticulate searching to remove all the minute teeth from the opened bag like specimen. “This pandora box of miniature teeth is a jewel on our crown” said the postgraduates. The tooth sizes varied from 1mm to 15mm and each resembled a tooth with crown covered by enamel and a root like structure.

                This is the first ever case to be documented world wide, where so many minute teeth were found in a single individual. This rare lesion is termed as “compound odontome”. The expertise and the competence of the team of oral surgeons and oral pathologists in Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals in dealing with such a rare case are to be applauded. The surgeons’ discretion in removing the lesion in total without exploring it on the operating table (akin to opening a bag of worms) avoided a major mishap and saved the patient from being under general anaesthesia for a longer duration and the attendant complications. Saveetha has always been the benchmark of excellence and abides by all health care schemes and is readily accessible to all strata of patients.

Clinical Photograph: 7 year old boy with swelling in right side of lower jaw

Clinical Photograph: 7 year old boy with swelling in right side of lower jaw

Intraoperative image

Intraoperative image

Faculty & Postgraduates Counting the teeth

Faculty & Postgraduates Counting the teeth

526 Teeth

526 Teeth

Usage of these pictures shall be with the following copyright certificate.

For furthur details kindly communicate to: dir.acad.sac@saveetha.com

For furthur details kindly communicate to: dir.acad.sac@saveetha.com

OPG: Reveals Mixed Radiolucent -Radioopaque structure in the right side of the lower jaw

OPG: Reveals Mixed Radiolucent -Radioopaque structure in the right side of the lower jaw

CBCT: Confirms the OPG findings

CBCT: Confirms the OPG findings

Stereomicroscope image

Stereomicroscope image

Team Saveetha

Team Saveetha

Workshop on Guided bone Regeneration 

A one day programme was organised by the department of Implantology on “ Guided bone Regeneration and Vertical ridge augmentation” in association with Staruman Biotis on 23rd July 2019. 

The program started with two lectures given by Dr. Arunachalam and Dr. Tejas Kothari, who had briefly discussed the various who had briefly discussed the various grafting techniques and the bone graft materials to be used for successful soft and had tissue regeneration. 

The lecture was followed by hands on session of goats mandible, where 35 participants had performed socket preservation, vertical ridge augmentation using Strauman Botis bone graft with Jason membrane and mucoderm. 

The Programme has highly appreciated by the participants, through which they gained vivid knowledge on the current concepts of grafting procedures. 


The National Indian Society of Periodontology MDS orientation Program in association with Listerine was conducted in Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Chennai , on July 30,31 2019 . The conference was graced by the Dr. C.K Ashokan, the vice president of Indian Society of Periodontology. There were 63 delegates from all over the country comprising of budding periodontists. The conference was a 2 day event with a series of lectures from eminent speakers in a simplified manner to orient the 1st year postgraduates. The lectures were on very pertinent topics like Journal discussion and critical appraisal,thesis topic selection, research methodology, Biostatistics, manuscript writing , dental photography , Plegarisms and Clinical trial registry. There was enthusiastic interaction in the workshop conducted on Systamatic Review and Reference Management systems where the participants were trained to work with Zotero and Mendeley software. The students went back enriched with ideas eager to put into practice and gave a great feedback.


The budding researchers are facing difficulties in manuscript preparation and in succeeding in publishing their research findings. The main aim of the CDE program is to meet the current demand of our student  researchers. The first lecture on Succeeding in publishing your research was delivered by Dr.T.N.Uma maheswari ,Professor,Dept of Oral Medicine and Radiology ,Saveetha Dental College,who shared her research experience and the methodical approach to fight against rejection of publication.  The main focus of the lecture was from very beginning of manuscript-preparation such as  selecting the proper research title  based on research priorities in various Grant agencies and IMRAD pattern.

The second lecture on How to choose a journal for publication was delivered by Dr.Krithika Datta, Reader, Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. This lecture was informative regarding the various sources available for identification and evaluation of suitable relevant journal based on our research title. Workshop on Journal finder was useful for all the students to understand the various search engines available to get all possible journals and how to arrive at right choice of journal based on journal impact factor. There were around 30 delegates and majority were research scholars both national and International who at the end of the CDE AND HANDS ON WORKSHOP found that the programme was an answer for all their queries related to submission of research proposal and will help them to overcome the difficulties in Publishing their research.

Prime Inauguration

Saveetha Dental College added another feather in their cap by launching their latest venture, ‘Saveetha Prime Multispeciality Dental Practice’. The practice was inaugurated by the Honourable District Collector of Thiruvallur Tmt. Mageswari Ravikumar IAS on 18th July,2019. The function was presided by the Founder Chancellor of Saveetha Institute of Medical And Technical Sciences Dr.N.M.Veeraiyan and many dignitaries graced the occasion with their presence. Dr Deepak Nallaswamy, Director of Academics, addressed the gathering and explained that Saveetha Prime was set up with a vision to serve as a model dental clinic for our students and elaborated on all the latest facilities that Prime has to offer. With serene calm interiors to dispel Dentophobia, state of art therapeutic and diagnostic facilities, and over 200+ senior consultants to treat patients, Saveetha Prime Multispeciality Dental Practice is all set to make heads turn and lives better.

Contemporary Concepts In Oral Medicine – Diagnosis, Management, Discovery and Beyond

The Department Of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Saveetha Dental College – Chennai conducted a 4 day (30 hour) credit course titled: 

Contemporary Concepts In Oral Medicine – Diagnosis, Management, Discovery and Beyond !!” from July 1st – 4th ,2019.

Dr. Nathaniel S. Treister, Chief of the Division of Oral Medicine and Dentistry at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and current Vice President of the American Academy Of Oral Medicine ( AAOM). The course was coordinated by Dr. Arvind Muthukrishnan, Professor and Department Head of Oral Medicine at Saveetha Dental College.

The course was attended by 60 delegates from all over India. The audience included oral medicine postgraduates as well as several senior faculty members. The course covered all aspects of oral medicine from international oral medicine practice, mucosal disorders and management, oral oncology, research in oral medicine, and professionalism. This innovative micro teaching and small group discussion credit course which is first of its kind in India was well appreciated by all delegates who thoroughly benefited from the unique teaching modality, table top clinics and case scenarios, hands on training, and group projects.  The course was also awarded 24 CDE points by DCI.

This course effectively highlighted the scope and importance of oral medicine practice amongst the postgraduates  and oral medicine practitioners in India. 

A MoU was signed between Saveetha Dental College and Oral Medicine Department Of Harvard School Of Dental Medicine ( HSDM ) for cooperation in research and exchange of scientific information.The events were reported in a leading Indian national news paper – The Indian Express

Workshop on Guided bone Regeneration

A one day programme was organised by the department of Implantology on “ Guided bone Regeneration and Vertical ridge augmentation” in association with Staruman Biotis on 23rd July 2019. The program started with two lectures given by Dr. Arunachalam and Dr. Tejas Kothari, who had briefly discussed the various who had briefly discussed the various grafting techniques and the bone graft materials to be used for successful soft and had tissue regeneration. The lecture was followed by hands on session of goats mandible, where 35 participants had performed socket preservation, vertical ridge augmentation using Strauman Botis bone graft with Jason membrane and mucoderm. The Programme has highly appreciated by the participants, through which they gained vivid knowledge on the current concepts of grafting procedures.

Workshop on IPR

Saveetha institute of medical and technical sciences organised an exclusive workshop on Intellectual Property Rights on 5&6 July 2019.The workshop was graced by the vice chancellor, eight eminent scientists, high profile research consultants and innovators in various fields of medicine , management,science and engineering .154 delegates across Saveetha university attended the workshop.

The delegates were exposed to various legal norms involving patents and related innovation.They were highlighted on the various facilities provided by the government of India to encourage innovation and research. Various other initiatives for entrepreneurship were also discussed elaborately.

The workshop included several brain storming sessions on product development, follow up, and up gradation of the existing ideas and patents.

The scope for innovation in defence research and space research was also discussed profoundly by the chief guest Dr UK Singh who was the former director of DEBEL Defence bioengineering and electro medical laboratory and the current director of CAIR centre for artificial intelligence and robotics. The workshop also shed light on various placement opportunities for aspiring graduates in the field of invention and science.


Edify: Activity Based Learning- Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology

Department of oral Medicine and Radiology presented our edify on 18/7/2019 on ACTIVITY BASED LEARNING. Our Students had done 4 activities namely Mosaic Tiles, DIY –XRAYS, Pearls of Wisdom, Connexions

Mosaic Tiles activity helped the students for easy understanding of Pulp and periapical Diseases. There were three coloured tiles red, grey, green representing clinical examination, radiographic findings and diagnosis respectively. It helped students remembered the pattern of the disease better

DIY-XRAYS (Do It Yourself) activity helped the students to learn the radiographic diagnosis depending on radiographic appearances. Students have to choose property based on the radiographic appearances  and make characteristic radiographic pattern and give radiodiagnosis.

In Pearls of Wisdom activity, colored clay balls were used. Black-Neutrons, Red-Electrons, Blue-Protons were used for better understanding of concepts of atomic number, atomic mass number, Isotopes and atomic structure of an atom.

Connexions activity was based on the connections between oral manifestation of systemic diseases–Series of pictures of clinical features are shown, student has to identify the disease using these clues, helped the students to retain the characteristic clinical features of particular disease enabling them to diagnose disease in a better way.These activities helped the students to have a self directed Learning experience.

Dr. Jayanth Kumar V received the workaholic award. The edify was well received and they got an average score of 8.3.
