Eradication of microflora in the treatment of pulpal and periapical diseases is the crucial step in assuring the successs of endodontic therapy. It is evident that instrumentation alone doesnot render bacteria free root canal system, henceforth irrigants play an very important role in eradicating the microorganisms from the root canal system. This lecture highlighted the importance of irrigants, newer trends in irrigation devices and the irrigants available. It helped the participants to gain knowledge regarding the recent advances in irrigation protocols and imply them in their clinical practice.  


The workshop held on 17.07.2018 at our institution aimed at providing knowledge to PG students regarding the use of TADS in orthodontics. Temporary Anchorage Devices, is one of the latest innovations in orthodontics and has really increased or broadened the vista of orthodontics and has expanded our treatment procedures. Some cases which were surgical, can now be done non-surgical using TADS. This workshop on TADS provided an insight of various new skeletal anchorage devices available including the IZC and Buccal shelf implants.

Guest speaker, Dr S.Venkateshwaran and Dr Venkataeshwara Rao are few among the most renowned orthodontist with keen interest in the field of mini implants. Valuable knowledge had been provided to the students by our speakers about the use of IZC and Buccal Shelf implants.

World Population Day

World Population Day

World Population Day is a global health awareness day which is observed on July 11th every year to raise awareness on global population issues. While press interest and general awareness in the global population surges only at the increments of whole billions of people, the world population increases by 100 million approximately every 14 months. The world population reached 7,400,000,000 on February 6, 2016; the world population had reached 7,500,000,000 at around 16:21 on April 24, 2017.

On the event of World Population day, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College, conducted an awareness programme on the rise of population of India day by day and its effect on oral health .Emphasis was made on the insufficient dentist: population ratio and the role of teachers in taking care of children’s oral health. Proper teeth brushing techniques were demonstrated to the teachers so that they can teach the students and assess their performance. Free dental screening camp for the school children was also conducted simultaneously.

National Doctor’s Day

National Doctor’s Day is celebrated every year on July 1. The day is marked to recognize the contributions of physicians to the community and create a link with the community for joining hands towards Health for All.

The Department of Public Health conducted an interactive session with medical professionals and students at Saveetha Medical celebrate to celebrate this perfect day for spreading knowledge on the significance of oral health status contributing to overall general health.

A lively session commenced with oral hygiene practices followed by them and then it focused on importance of preserving dentition, mechanism of dental problems occurrence, prevention of oral disease. Information about various available treatment modalities were delivered in a gist followed by discussion on giving effective oral hygiene instructions to patients.

Emphasis was made on early approaches for a good oral health status and the importance of timely referral by medical professionals to dentists was highlighted. They were encouraged to perform roles enabling dental professional to administer preventive and minimal invasive procedures.

National Doctor’s Day is celebrated every year on July 1. The day is marked to recognize the contributions of physicians to the community and create a link with the community for joining hands towards Health for All.

The Department of Public Health conducted an interactive session with medical professionals and students at Saveetha Medical celebrate to celebrate this perfect day for spreading knowledge on the significance of oral health status contributing to overall general health.

A visual presentation was shown to them highlighting the importance of timely referral

A lively session commenced with oral hygiene practices followed by them and then it focused on importance of preserving dentition, mechanism of dental problems occurrence, prevention of oral disease. Information about various available treatment modalities were delivered in a gist followed by discussion on giving effective oral hygiene instructions to patients.

Emphasis was made on early approaches for a good oral health status and the importance of timely referral by medical professionals to dentists was highlighted. They were encouraged to perform roles enabling dental professional to administer preventive and minimal invasive procedures.


Composite resins occupy a paramount position among restorative cements as they have excellent esthetic potential acceptable longevity, with a much lower cost comparatively. Methods to upgrade efficiency and speed of their placement should be incorporated with the objective of long-lasting and properly formed restorations. This lecture and hands on demonstrates meticulous operative technique along with appropriate case selection to govern the success of resin composite restoration. Participants were enlightened regarding the different layering techniques and the appropriate shade selection methods for anterior restorations.

Endodontic Enigma – Guest lecture

This guest lecture was given by Dr.Anuj Bharadwaj on 22 nd June 2018. Endodontics is a fascinating field were the dentist works on the tooth identifying the morphology ,locating canals and restoring it. Variations in teeth are high and thus every tooth is unique and this lecture discussed in details on methods of identifying additional canals and methods of negotiating the same.

International Yoga Day - 21stJune 2018

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice attributed to humankind.   International yoga day was celebrated in Saveetha Dental College on 21st June 2018. Students and faculty participated with great enthusiasm. We witnessed the passion among students towards yoga.

Dr. SriSakthi, Faculty, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry, delivered some practical yoga techniques for students. She pointed out the importance of yoga in human life and how it enriches human values as applied to education. Faculty who are trained in yoga performed few asanas to the students.


Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life-World Blood Donor Day 14th June 2018

Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life

World Blood Donor Day is celebrated every year on 14th june, the day of birthday anniversary of Karl Landsteiner, a great scientist who won the Noble prize for his great discovery of the ABO blood group system. World Blood Donor Day celebration brings a precious opportunity to all donors for celebrating it on national and global level. It is one of eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO).Department of Public Health Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, conducted an awareness rally. About 40 students started from the campus at 8.30 am and it extended till the Kumananchavadi Junction.  The students were displaying placards emphasizing the importance, dos and donts regarding blood donation. 

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Edify- Brulac- Dental Research Cell


The meeting started with the social video on Stem cell culture. Followed by that the 2 new faculty in the Dental Research Cell were introduced. 

The presentation had two educational videos one on the Evolution of PCR and the next how PCR is executed in out DRC laboratory. They also show cased their achievements in the last few months which includes publications in high impact journals, CDE programmed organised, Guest lectures at various institutions and their recent research projects. The Director of Academics and the faculty were appreciative of their efforts. The Director of Academics concluded stating that more collaborations with research cell by the faculty will bring in more laurels to us.

World Environment Day

    Every year, World Environment Day falls on June 5, and has done since its inaugural year in 1974. Established by the United Nations Assembly in 1972 – on day one of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment – it was conceived to raise awareness of environmental issues of all kinds, from marine pollution to overpopulation and, of course, global warming.

    The theme this year is 'Beat Plastic Pollution'. Indeed, plastic pollution is one of the greatest environmental challenges facing our planet today. It has been estimated one million plastic bottles were bought every minute, and 13 million tonnes of the stuff finding its way into our oceans each year. This year's campaign calls for people around the world to encourage everyone everywhere to start making simple lifestyle changes to cut plastic out of everyday use for good.

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    As an initiative to create awareness regarding importance of environment, Department of Public Health Dentistry,Saveetha dental college has organized an awareness talk at Government girls high school, Ashok Nagar. The talk focuses on environmental pollution Men had created and easy ways to reduce the burden. The talk also throw light on plastic pollution targeting mainly on Beating plastic use and also suggesting good alternatives.

    As a part of health promotion strategy, as a measure of reinforcement, logos about preserving environment were painted on the walls of Schools. This measure will have a profound effect on the students and will mould them as good environmentalists in future. Really, it couldn't be easier to "BeatPlasticPollution"; it needs the whole effort from each and every individual.

World Environment day

 World Environment day

Every year, World Environment Day falls on June 5, and has done since its inaugural year in 1974. Established by the United Nations Assembly in 1972 – on day one of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment – it was conceived to raise awareness of environmental issues of all kinds, from marine pollution to overpopulation and, of course, global warming.

The theme this year is 'Beat Plastic Pollution'. Indeed, plastic pollution is one of the greatest environmental challenges facing our planet today. It has been estimated one million plastic bottles were bought every minute, and 13 million tonnes of the stuff finding its way into our oceans each year. This year's campaign calls for people around the world to encourage everyone everywhere to start making simple lifestyle changes to cut plastic out of everyday use for good.

As an initiative to create awareness regarding importance of environment, Department of Public Health Dentistry,Saveetha dental college has organized an awareness talk at Government girls high school, Ashok Nagar. The talk focuses on environmental pollution Men had created and easy ways to reduce the burden. The talk also throw light on plastic pollution targeting mainly on Beating plastic use and also suggesting good alternatives.

As a part of health promotion strategy, as a measure of reinforcement, logos about preserving environment were painted on the walls of Schools. This measure will have a profound effect on the students and will mould them as good environmentalists in future. Really, it couldn't be easier to #BeatPlasticPollution; it needs the whole effort from each and every individual.

Understanding the Amplicon - The Genetic Photostat

Biomedical Research Unit and Lab Animal Centre (BRULAC) and Dental Research Cell (DRC), Saveetha Dental College has organized a CDE program for I year Postgraduate students on 25th May 2018 on the topic “Understanding the Amplicon - The Genetic Photostat”. The Speaker for the Guest lecture was Dr. L. Kavitha Shankar, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Ragas Dental College & Hospital, Uthandi, Chennai.Dr.J.Vijayashree Priyadharsini, delivered the welcome address and introduced the speaker to the gathering.


The Speaker, Dr. L. Kavitha Shankar discussed about the quarks of “Polymerase chain reaction”, which is the technique that has revolutionized clinical diagnosis and research. The lecture covered topics pertaining to the history, sources of DNA, components of PCR, its types, and applications in different specialties of dentistry and medicine. Even the intricate details on setting up a PCR reaction and troubleshooting were made more palatable to the audience. The session was interactive with active participation from the students.

Dr. D. Ezhilarasan, Dr. J. Vijayashree Priyadharsini, Dr. A. Padmaraj, the Faculties of BRULAC & DRC presented the certificate and gift to the Speaker Dr. L. Kavitha Shankar. Dr. M. Karthik Ganesh delivered the Vote of Thanks and concluded the session.


Importance and Relevance of Pre-Clinical Studies in Dental Research

The Department of Biomedical Research Unit and Lab Animal Centre (BRULAC) and Dental Research Cell (DRC), Saveetha Dental College has organized a CDE program on “Importance and Relevance of Pre-Clinical in vivo and in vitro Studies in Dental Research” for I year MDS students on 18th May 2018. The Speaker for the Guest lecture was Dr. S. Priya, Reader and Head, Department of Pharmacology, Sathyabama Dental College and Hospital, Chennai.



Dr. M. Karthik Ganesh presented the welcome address and introduced the speaker to the august gathering of Postgraduate students and staffs of Saveetha Dental College.

In her lecture Dr. S. Priya discussed the fundamentals of Research and various fields of research. Then she outlined systematically the pre-clinical trials on in vivo and in vitro models. In each pre-clinical studies, she gave a clear overview about the current studies undergoing and the models available in general and also with respect to dental sciences. It was an apt speech as it fulfilled all needed insights into research and what is required for Postgraduate students at the initial stage of their research carrier. The Speaker correlated all pre-clinical trials with updated experimental examples. The Speaker gave a special emphasis to the in vivo and in vitro experimental studies with lots of dental correlations and applications.

The Speaker Dr. S. Priya was felicitated then presented with certificate and gift by Dr. D. Ezhilarasan, Dr. J. Vijayashree Priyadharsini, Dr. A. Padmaraj. The session was concluded with Vote of Thanks delivered by Mr. N. Ashok Vardhan.

Awareness Program & Genetic Counselling

The Team BRULAC & DRC initiated the Awareness Programs and Genetic Counsellings for public on various medical issues. The first of its kind was organized on the occasion of "World Nutrition Day" on 28th May 2018 emphasizing the Motto – "Maternal Nutrition: A Key to Healthy Generation – A Step towards Nutrigenomics".

In connection with this "Genetic Counseling" was given emphasizing on the importance of maternal nutrition and deficiencies associated with birth defects.

Edify- CAD CAM and Implantology


Students from department of Orthodontics had returned from Korea attending students exchange programme. The shared their experience with joy.

Followed by edify presentation by CAD-CAM department. They had teaching innovations for dental technicians and dentists as well. They gave a glimse of the 3D printing and showcased their work.

The department of implantology proved there excellence once again they had numerous MoUs, funds and CDE progemmes to their credit. 

World Hand Hygiene Day: Guest Lecture

Department of Microbiology observed the World hand hygiene day on 5th of May 2018 in the Saveetha Dental College and Hospital premises with the motto for the year 2018 as “It’s in your hands. Prevent sepsis in health care”.

The faculties Mr.N.P.Muralidharan, Dr.R.V.Geetha and Dr.A.S.Smiline Girija met the clinicians, laboratory technicians, nursing staff, students, interns and class IV servants with deliberations on the issues with improper hand hygiene and emphasized the need for proper hand hygiene. Special lectures for interns were arranged in the concerned clinical departments. Posters were displayed at all the clinics to create awareness about the hand washing methods and hygienic protocols to be followed in the dental wards. Demonstrations on proper hand washing methods were also portrayed by the faculties.

Edify- Oral Oncology

4th season of oncology edify, started with the introduction of the department members. They also spoke about the new fellowship program they have started. The teaching methodology was highlighted with the intra-operative hands-on training given to the students being stressed on. The various departmental activities like the best paper award received, the chapter contribution in a textbook, paper publications were spoken about. They also spoke about the micro-Vascular cases they did in their department and concluded the edify with the testimonials of their patients.


Demystifying Cleft

Department of Anatomy, Saveetha Dental College has organized a CDE program on “Demystifying Cleft” for I year BDS students in Anatomy Lecture Hall on 2nd May 2018 at 10.00am. The Speaker for the Guest lecture was Dr. S. Maithreyi, MS (General Surgery),   M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery), Assistant Professor, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery,                         Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre, Porur, Chennai.

The CDE program started in an unusual way, where the Speaker started her presentation before the inaugural address by the Department, as she commenced the session in a friendly approach. The lecture was more like an interactive session and the students were questioned on basic anatomy and various developmental aspects of palate. She then clearly gave an overview of anatomy and development of palate. She also discussed the developmental anomalies of palate and showed videos on corrective surgeries of cleft lip and cleft palate. The students enjoyed the seminar as they actively participated in discussion and diagnosing the different kinds of cleft lip and cleft palate conditions by identifying various photographs in the presentation.

At the end of the seminar the Speaker gifted the students with chocolates who came out with spontaneous answers during the lecture session.

Dr. S. Maithreyi was felicitated and presented with gifts by Mrs. M. S. Thenmozhi, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy.


Importance and Relevance of Pre-Clinical in vivo and in vitro Studies in Dental Research

The Department of Biomedical Research Unit and Lab Animal Centre (BRULAC) and Dental Research Cell (DRC), Saveetha Dental College has organized a CDE program on “Importance and Relevance of Pre-Clinical in vivo and in vitro Studies in Dental Research” for I year MDS students on 18th May 2018. The Speaker for the Guest lecture was Dr. S. Priya, Reader and Head, Department of Pharmacology, Sathyabama Dental College and Hospital, Chennai. Dr. M. Karthik Ganesh presented the welcome address and introduced the speaker to the august gathering of Postgraduate students and staffs of Saveetha Dental College.

In her lecture Dr. S. Priya discussed the fundamentals of Research and various fields of research. Then she outlined systematically the pre-clinical trials on in vivo and in vitro models. In each pre-clinical studies, she gave a clear overview about the current studies undergoing and the models available in general and also with respect to dental sciences. It was an apt speech as it fulfilled all needed insights into research and what is required for Postgraduate students at the initial stage of their research carrier. The Speaker correlated all pre-clinical trials with updated experimental examples. The Speaker gave a special emphasis to the in vivo and in vitro experimental studies with lots of dental correlations and applications. The Speaker Dr. S. Priya was felicitated then presented with certificate and gift by Dr. D. Ezhilarasan, Dr. J. Vijayashree Priyadharsini, Dr. A. Padmaraj. The session was concluded with Vote of Thanks delivered by Mr. N. Ashok Vardhan.