Create the Barrier



The Department of Paediatric and Preventive dentistry, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals has proudly show cased a 2 day symposium and workshop program on “CREATE THE BARRIER”. It highlightedand recent advances in endodontics on 31st August & 1st September 2017.The CDE programme was approved by the Tamil Nadu state dental council, accredited with 9 CDE credit points. The scientific lectures, live demonstration on patients and hands-on were truly enriched and mesmerizing which provided all our young budding pedodontists a keen insight into the topics. The first day of the symposium was marked by the lectures of eminent speakers . Dr. Deepa Gurunathan gave an introductory talk about Tissue engineering which paved the way for easy understanding of regeneration. Talk by Dr.Jai Ganesh on Stem cells was interesting based on multiple choice questions and making the audience aware of the concept from Known to Unknown. Dr.M.S Nivedhitha enlightened on Scaffolds used in regeneration of pulp . Dr.Geomani discussed the various practical issues involved in the usage of Platelet Rich Plasma for reggeneration which was very much informative to avoid medico legal cases. Followed by the lecture was the live demonstration on patient using PRF and hands on by all the participants using PRF.  Participants' were thrilled and excited to view a live demonstration of a tooth treated by regeneration. In addition, each participant were given PRF to be handled and placed in extracted tooth guided by Dr.G.Deepa and Dr. Madhusudhan Vasantharajan which has given them the confidence to treat a patient. The second day of the program sphere headedby Dr. Madhusudhan Vasantharajangave an in-detailed explanation of Apexification using biomemietic materials . Dr. Sihivahanan's explanation on recent trends scope of research, approach of exam questions on regeneration provided our participants a glimpse of future trends and ability to apply the obtained knowledge. Shortly thereafter it was followed by live demonstration by Dr. Madhusudhan Vasantharajanon patient using MTA .Dr.G.Deepa and Dr. Madhusudhan Vasantharajan played a vital roleto help the students handle the biomimetic materials with ease. At the end of the symposium the participants were confident to perform regeneration and apexification using biomimetic materials and assured to treat patients using the techniques learnt.

Tooth Wear and management - A global Health Forum

A grand CDE program with international speakers was organised by the department of oral medicine and radiology. The program was attended by over 200 participants. The invited speaker Dr.Prasanna from Hong Kong elaborated on the reasons for non - carious tooth surface wear and the use of adhesive restorations to restore the form and function

Edify- Conclusion

That was a visual treat with enlightenment for the students. All 9 specialities of dentistry presented their department progress in last three months along with their future plans for next three months. Each department proved no less to be the other. 9 departments, 27 teaching videos, 500 students, 172 faculty its all about their pride and dreams together. Proved to a passionate event by all the faculty. Waiting to do more in the forthcoming edify meet...

Crowning the Brownie

Department of Pedodontics, Saveetha dental college, conducted a Lecture and Hands on course program onstainless steel crowns (SSC) for the general clinical practioners and interns on 28/07/2017. Dr.Sheeja Vargeese was the guest of honour. The program consisted of three lectures, a demonstration and hands on. Dr.Sujatha S elaborated on the indications, contraindications and the clinical procedure.  Dr.EMG Subramanian shared his clinical experience on the difficult clinical situations and how a SSC can be modified in those situations. Dr.Kandasamy highlighted the where and where not an anterior stainless steel crown can be placed. Followed by a demonstration by Dr.Sujatha S. The hands-on was conducted for the participants by the speakers. Where the tooth preparation, crown selection, crown adaptation and cementation was taught and the participants learnt through practicing itimmediately on a typhodont model.

Alumni Meet Organised by 1992 batch

Alumni of 1992 batch  celebrated their reunion on 16th Jul 2017 at Saveetha Dental College. It also, marks the Silver Jubilee Celebration of 1992 batch.

Dr.N.M.Veeraiyan, Founder-Chancellor, Saveetha University, presided over the function.  

    The alumni expressed their gratitude to their teachers by felicitating them. They shared their golden memories in the institution. The teachers felt over-whelmed and enjoyed the function. The teachers also expressed their memories of interaction with 1992 batch. Alumni belonging to various batches shared their evergreen moments with 1992 Batch.

    The function reached the melting point when the representatives from each batch emotionally expressed their lifestyle and relationship with the institution during their study period.

 Their heart skipped a beat, when they witnessed the infra-structure facilities existing currently in our institution. 

   They proudly announced their contribution of various study models by the way of museum worth more than a lakh. Also, they expressed their environmental consciousness by planting 100 saplings in the campus of the Institution.

   Not only, their physical bodies got refreshed but also their inner being refreshed so much after visiting their “Temple of Learning”.



The Department of BRULAC & DRC has initiated their first EDIFY on 20.07.2017 with the Welcome note delivered by Dr. P. Gopinath, Controller of Research (UG). He outlined the gathering about the objective of establishing “BRULAC & DRC” which was formed to meet different thrust areas of research under one roof as Common Facility for Research and Development. The Department has projected the video on the different facilities available at BRULAC & DRC. Dr. M. Karthik Ganesh and Mr. N. Ashok Vardhan were highlighting the important achievements of the Department. The research video has underscored the impact of using laboratory animals in medical research as well as various in-vitro research techniques such as microbial analysis and PCR etc. The feedbacks collected from students and staffs were also projected as review video followed by Dr. D. Ezhilarasan has offered the gratitude on behalf of entire Department.  Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy, The Director of Academics has well commended and appreciated their work and motivated them to achieve more goals in future endeavors.

Biomaterials in healthcare

Biomaterials in healthcare

This guest lecture was organised by the department of Periodontics on 20th July 2017. the Guest speaker Dr.Gnanamani lectured on the topic "Biomaterial in healthcare".Dr.A. Gnanamani is the Sr. Principal Scientist Biological Material Laboratory CSIR- Central Leather Research Institute Adyar, Chennai . Her lecture was attended by over 50 postgraduate students and staff from various departments in our institute.the lecture was received well by the attendees and hopes to pave the way for future scientific collaborations

Edify- Department of Aesthetic Dentistry.

The Edify 2017 was the second Edify for the department of Aesthetics . The new department that started was in abud stage with just one Fellowship student . With a lot of sincere effort and dedication the department nowhas bloomed and raring to go . They have 4 students now and One additional faculty has joined. The department has also taken into their wings postgraduates from the department of prosthodontics , endodontics and also undergraduates . Classes for undergraduates are been conducted in modules for three days . 

They presented a video on the importance of laying emphasis on quality of research and clinical cases a rather than quantity . 

New Teaching methodologies to improve hand skills such as calligraphy and Using chopsticks are being implementedand they also showcased how successful they are in improving skills. 

Emphasis is placed on team work and documentation of all cases . A video of all their smile correction cases was shown.  

The department head , being the Country Chair Person for the European Society for cosmetic dentistry encouraged other faculty members to come forward and ensue the certification program of the society. 

Three CDE Courses were conducted so far by the department , which were all well attended and appreciated .

Edify- Department of Oral Oncology

Edify by oral oncology kicked off by high lighting the humble contribution of oncology department in the avenues of academics and social activities. 

In academics we showcased the staff and students ( both in fellowship program and PhD) enrolled in the programs and also our contribution in terms of the number of papers presented in conferences both  nationally and in the international arena. Our National presentation by one of the post graduates was a case operated by us on a rare form of carcinoma which incidentally won an award in the best paper category in the state AOMSI conference. With respect to international conferences we presented two posters in the International Academy of Oral Oncology conference 2017. 

Regarding our social activity , we gave a live interview in captain TV on dental care and oral cancer and educated the public on importance of maintaining oral health and the dangers of habits like smoking and chewing tobacco. 

We also highlighted the increase in the number of major ablative surgery we have been performingover the last 2 years which was demonstrated by a graph and time line.

The session of edify concluded by giving the audience an overview of the challenges we face in the department with respect to patient complications and recurrences.

Molaris 2017

   Molaris is aprogramme designed to deliver high quality dental education amongst undergraduates andgeneral dental practioners. This is being held with the help of Indian dental association at Saveetha Dental College for the past 3 yearsto impart knowledge and awareness of newer techniques and concepts among the students .It is one of the platforms at national level involving various specialities which gives the opportunity oflearningand also helps the undergraduate students to pursue their career in upcomingfieldof dental clinical research .

    Molaris 2017 was held on the 7th of July at Saveetha Dental college where we had active participationofundergraduate students ,interns ,fellowship students from various dental colleges and also private dental practitioners .We had a total of 405 registrations out of which the maximum number of enthusiastic students from Saveetha Dental college which was around 222 followed by Tagore and Meenakshi Ammal dental college .Delegates were around 21 andfrom other colleges around 162.

    We had the maximum of 196 scientific paper and poster presentationsfrom various institutions and was chaired by mostly external judges .Total scientific papers were 67 and total poster presentations were 129. Studentswere given three awards per session . The maximum awards were won by our students , posters awarded were 40 and best papers were 16.

    We thank the organising team of Molaris and team IDA for their untiring effort to have made this conference a grand success.We look forward for future CDEs to bring together the best and brightest minds to enlighten the budding dentists about the various aspectsand updates in dental research.



Final Count Down

The Final Countdown,  a Convention on Modern Trends in   Orthodontics, was heldfromthe 29thof June till the 1stof July, 2017. 

There were more than 25national speakers who had come from all over India to participate in this convention.  208 delegates and 30 invited orthodontists, attended this conference.  The delegates were from 40 different colleges from all over the country. Colleges from Punjab, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh,  Kerala,  Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh,  Madhya Pradesh etc.  The president of Indian Orthodontic Society, Dr. G.Chandrasekhar was the Chief guest and the HonorarySecretary of the Indian Orthodontic Society wasalso on stage.

Paper and Poster Presentations were open for life members and Student members of IOS. To improve the relevanceof scientific presentations, seven categories were made for presentation and this was greatly appreciated by all the delegates.

A new innovation in The Final Countdownwas theLUNCH WITH A GURU program where on the 30th of June, the delegates got to have lunch with theProfessors of their choice.  This was greatly appreciated by all the delegates andthe life members.


The Final Count Down 2017

A success beyond all expectations. 300 delegates from 40 colleges attended the program. Kiran Bedi, the Lieutenant Governor of Pondycherry, endorsed the program held at Saveetha Dental College from 29th June to 1st July 2017. Dr.G.Chandrasekhar , president of IOS , Dr,Deepak Chandra, Honorary secretary of IOS and Dr.Shailesh Deshmukh President elect of IOS made wonderful speakers for the program, and also the Dr.Ratna Parameshwaran, Dr.Nayeemullah Khan and Dr.Nanda Kumar conducted Surgery first pre conference course, Dr.Gurukeerat singh and Dr.Vaibhav Mishra conducted pre conference certification course on Aligners, Dr. Abhishek Ghosh-Incorporating Tads in Damon and Dr.Vadivel Kumar conducted a course on recent advances in fixed functional appliances.

2nd International Conference on Novel Approaches in Cancer Research and Therapy (NACRAT-2K17)


 The Department of Pharmacology has conducted the 2nd International Conference on Novel Approaches in Cancer Research and Therapy (NACRAT-2K17) in association in association with the Society of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (SPER) on 26 th -28th June 2017.The Conference was started with a Pre conference workshop on Cancer Informatics in Healthcare. The conference was inaugurated by Dr. R.SRamaswamy, Director General , Central Council of Researchin Siddha, Ministry of Ayush, Govt.ofIndia and later he delivered the key note address. Prof.Dr. Arun Dharmarajan ,Curtin University, Perth, Australiaand Dr Upendra Nagaich , Secretary ,SPER, has addressed the gathering. 189 delegates from various reputed institutions like University of the Free State South Africa , IIT-M, VIT, Annamalai University and various Dental and Medical colleges in and around Chennaihadparticipated and presentedpapers and e-Posters in the various scientic Sessions.  

Eight National and International speakers enriched the conference by sharing their knowledge on different fields of Cancer Research and Therapy. Dr Muralidharan, Research Associate, Dept of Cellular and Structural Biology , Tulane University, USA, has given a talk on Novel Approaches and molecular Mechanism in Breast Cancer Therapy. The interactive sessions were highly appreciated by the speakers as well as delegates. There was a separate session for SPER award category. It is great to recall that most of the delegates used this as a platform to showcase their research in Cancer field. Tamil Nadu Dental council has given 15 credit points for this conference.

The Society has honored Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy, Director of academics, SPER -EXCELLENCE AWARD IN DENTAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH. In the Valedictory function Dr Upendra Nagaich, Secretary, SPER, has awarded SPER young ScientistAwardto Dr. Palanisamy Chella Perumal , Postdoctoral fellow, University of the Free State South Africa,    Young Talent award to Dr Archana, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals andSPER Women Forum awardto Dr. Umamaheswari, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals. The prizes for BEST Papers and BEST e-Posters also were distributed to the winners. Over all the three day Programme was a grand success and made the department and College proud and happy.


AP-Con 2017

We the department of Physiology and Anatomy conducted a National conference on clinical implications and developmental Anomalies on June 24th Saturday 2017.  Almost 80 students across all dental colleges had actively participated in the conference and also had won many prizes and medals for their best presentation. The programme was started off with the registration and almost 80 participants were participated including the students from saveetha Dental College.  The mode of presentation was paper and eposters on the conference. Faculties from other Dental Colleges also presented their research papers.   Finally the valedictory function was headed by Dr. Gowri Sethu, Professor & Head, Department of Physiology and Mrs. Thenmozhi, Head of Anatomy department.


The Department of Pharmacology has conducted the 2nd International Conference on Novel Approaches in Cancer Research and Therapy (NACRAT-2K17) in association in association with the Society of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (SPER) on 26 th -28th June 2017.The Conference was started with a Pre conference workshop on Cancer Informatics in Healthcare. The conference was inaugurated by Dr. R.S Ramaswamy, Director General , Central Council of Research in Siddha, Ministry of Ayush, Govt.of India and later he delivered the key note address. Prof.Dr. Arun Dharmarajan ,Curtin University, Perth, Australia and Dr Upendra Nagaich , Secretary ,SPER, has addressed the gathering. 189 delegates from various reputed institutions like University of the Free State South Africa , IIT-M, VIT, Annamalai University and various Dental and Medical colleges in and around Chennai had participated and presented papers and e-Posters in the various scientic Sessions.

Eight National and International speakers enriched the conference by sharing their knowledge on different fields of Cancer Research and Therapy. Dr. Muralidharan, Research Associate, Dept of Cellular and Structural Biology, Tulane University, USA, has given a talk on Novel Approaches and molecular Mechanism in Breast Cancer Therapy. The interactive sessions were highly appreciated by the speakers as well as delegates. There was a separate session for SPER award category. It is great to recall that most of the delegates used this as a platform to showcase their research in Cancer field. Tamil Nadu Dental council has given 15 credit points for this conference.

The Society has honored Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy, Director of academics, SPER -EXCELLENCE AWARD IN DENTAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH. In the Valedictory function Dr Upendra Nagaich, Secretary, SPER, has awarded SPER young Scientist  Award to Dr. Palanisamy Chella Perumal , Postdoctoral fellow, University of the Free State South Africa,    Young Talent award to Dr Archana, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals and  SPER Women Forum award    to Dr. Umamaheswari, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals. The prizes for BEST Papers and BEST e-Posters also were distributed to the winners. Over all the three day Programme was a grand success and made the department and College proud and happy.

NUTRIGENOMICS “New Directions for Health promotion”

Department of Biochemistry , Savertha Dental college , organised a seminar on”Nutrigenomics” on 23rd June 2017 at Watson and Crick Hall. Dr.Preethi Raj , Asst.Professor, Dept of Nutrition, Director, wootu nutrition, chennai delivered a guest lecture on ‘ Healthy diet for healthy minds’ . In her lecture Dr. Preethi Raj emphasised the importance of healthy diet and its role in the regulation of hormones and neurotransmitters. Mr.Ashok Vardhan , Lecturer, Dept of Biochemistry, Saveetha Dental college, gave a lecture on ‘Nutritional Signature on Lifestyle’ which was followed by an interactive session with students. Students were given questionnaire on nutrition and diet counselling was given . I BDS and MDS students participated in the seminar.


Department of Biochemistry , Saveetha Dental college , signed a MoU with Dr. Florida Tilton, Managing Director, Biozone Research technologies, Chennai on 22nd June 2017. MoU was signed to encourage research in the area of Cancer Biology and Genetic engineering.

MoU signing was followed by a seminar on ‘Igniting young minds’ , where 35 students from MBA and 30I BDS students participated. Dr. Florida Tilton gave a guest lecture on ‘Igniting young minds’ . In her talk she motivated the students towards research.